


Graphics device API type.

Many different low-level graphics APIs can be used by Unity. If for some reason you need to know whether Direct3D 9 or 11 is being used, or OpenGL ES 2 or 3, you can use SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType to check for that.

See Also: SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType.


Direct3D11Direct3D 11 graphics API.
NullNo graphics API.
OpenGLES2OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics API. (deprecated on iOS and tvOS)
OpenGLES3OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics API. (deprecated on iOS and tvOS)
PlayStation4PlayStation 4 graphics API.
XboxOneXbox One graphics API using Direct3D 11.
MetaliOS Metal graphics API.
OpenGLCoreOpenGL (Core profile - GL3 or later) graphics API.
Direct3D12Direct3D 12 graphics API.
VulkanVulkan (EXPERIMENTAL).
SwitchNintendo Switch graphics API.
XboxOneD3D12Xbox One graphics API using Direct3D 12.
GameCoreXboxOneGame Core Xbox One graphics API using Direct3D 12.
GameCoreXboxSeriesGame Core XboxSeries graphics API using Direct3D 12.

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