ProfilerTimeSampleSelection Constructor


public ProfilerTimeSampleSelection(long frameIndex, string threadGroupName, string threadName, ulong threadId, int rawSampleIndex, string sampleName);


public ProfilerTimeSampleSelection(long frameIndex, string threadGroupName, string threadName, ulong threadId, IList<int> rawSampleIndices, string sampleName);


public ProfilerTimeSampleSelection(Profiling.ProfilerTimeSampleSelection selection);


frameIndex The 0 based index of the frame the sample exists in. Note that the Profiler Window UI shows the frame index as n+1. When this value is outside of the range described by ProfilerWindow.firstAvailableFrameIndex and ProfilerWindow.lastAvailableFrameIndex, or smaller than 0, Unity will throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
threadGroupName The name of the thread group. An empty string, which means the thread isn't part of a thread group. "Job", "Loading" and "Scripting Threads" are examples of such thread group names.
threadName The name of the thread, e.g. "Main Thread", "Render Thread" or "Worker 0". When this value is null or an empty string, Unity will throw an ArgumentException.
threadId The ID of the thread. When the default value of FrameDataView.invalidThreadId is passed, Unity searches for the sample in the first thread matching the provided threadGroupName and threadName. Specify this threadId if there are multiple threads with the same name. Use a RawFrameDataView.threadId or HierarchyFrameDataView.threadId to retrieve the ID to a specific thread, if you need it to be specific.
rawSampleIndex The raw index of a sample, i.e. the index as if would be used with RawFrameDataView and NOT an Item ID as it would be used with HierarchyFrameDataView. Use HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewMode.MergeSamplesWithTheSameName to get raw sample indices when working with HierarchyFrameDataView.
sampleName The name of the sample. When this value is null or empty, it will be filled by Unity on making a valid selection by passing this object to IProfilerFrameTimeSampleSelectionController.SetSelection.
rawSampleIndices A list of sample indices as used with RawFrameDataView and NOT a list of Item ID as would be used with HierarchyFrameDataView. Use HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewMode.MergeSamplesWithTheSameName to get raw sample indices when working with HierarchyFrameDataView. When this list is empty, Unity throws an ArgumentException.
selection An existing selection to make a copy of. When this value is null, Unity throws an ArgumentNullException.


Constructs a selection object that can be passed to IProfilerFrameTimeSampleSelectionController.SetSelection to change the selection.

System.ArgumentException if threadName or rawSampleIndices is empty. System.ArgumentNullException if threadName or selection is null. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if frameIndex When this value is outside of the range described by ProfilerWindow.firstAvailableFrameIndex and ProfilerWindow.lastAvailableFrameIndex, or smaller than 0. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException if rawSampleIndex or any index in rawSampleIndices is smaller than 0.

Additional resources: IProfilerFrameTimeSampleSelectionController.SetSelection.

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