Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine

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Script interface for the TriggerModule.

This module is useful for killing particles when they touch a set of collision shapes, or for calling a script command to let you apply custom particle behaviors when the trigger is activated.

The example code for MonoBehaviour.OnParticleTrigger shows how the callback type action works.

See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.trigger.


colliderCountIndicates the number of collision shapes attached to this Particle System trigger.
colliderQueryModeDetermines whether collider information is available when calling [[ParticleSystem::GetTriggerParticles]].
enabledSpecifies whether the TriggerModule is enabled or disabled.
enterChoose what action to perform when particles enter the trigger volume.
exitChoose what action to perform when particles leave the trigger volume.
insideChoose what action to perform when particles are inside the trigger volume.
outsideChoose what action to perform when particles are outside the trigger volume.
radiusScaleA multiplier Unity applies to the size of each particle before it processes overlaps.

Public 함수

AddColliderAdds a Collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger.
GetColliderGets a collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger.
RemoveColliderRemoves a collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger.
SetColliderSets a Collision shape associated with this Particle System trigger.
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