SyncListStruct を使用するには、新規クラスを作成し、SyncListStruct を継承させる必要があります。
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class MyScript : NetworkBehaviour { public struct POW { public int pow; public float f; }
public class SyncListPOW : SyncListStruct<POW> { }
public SyncListPOW m_pows = new SyncListPOW(); }
Make sure your struct members are non-static public members.
We allow the following types to be used in your struct;
• Basic type (byte, int, float, string, UInt64, etc)
• Built-in Unity math type (Vector3, Quaternion, etc),
• Arrays of basic types
• Other structs containing allowable types
• NetworkIdentity
• NetworkInstanceId
• NetworkHash128
• GameObject with a NetworkIdentity component attached.
HandleMsg | リモートのリストを操作するために使用する内部関数 |