
interface in UnityEngine.UIElements


Interface to access a TextElement selection and cursor information This interface is not meant to be implemented explicitly as its declaration might change in the future.


cursorColor Color of the cursor.
cursorIndex This is the cursor index in the text presented.
cursorPosition The position of the text cursor inside the element"/>.
doubleClickSelectsWord // Controls whether double clicking selects the word under the mouse pointer or not. //
isSelectable Returns true if the field is selectable.
selectIndex This is the selection index in the text presented.
selectionColor Background color of selected text.
tripleClickSelectsLine // Controls whether triple clicking selects the entire line under the mouse pointer or not. //

Public Methods

HasSelection Return true is the TextElement has a selection.
SelectAll Selects all the text contained in the field.
SelectNone Remove selection
SelectRange Select text between cursorIndex and selectIndex.

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