Version: 2022.2


class in UnityEditor



Provides access to Microsoft Store App-specific player settings.

You can use these properties and methods to programmatically access Universal Windows Platform-specific build settings.


applicationDescriptionThe description text that the Microsoft Store displays with your application.
certificateIssuerThe certificate issuer for the current Universal Windows Platform certificate.
certificateNotAfterThe expiration date for the current Universal Windows Platform certificate.
certificatePathThe file path for the current Universal Windows Platform certificate.
certificateSubjectThe subject for the current Universal Windows Platform certificate.
defaultTileSizeThe tile size type to use as the default size for the application's tile.
inputSourceThe input source type for mouse, pen, and touch input events in a XAML app.
largeTileShowNameThe application name to display on the Large Tile.
lastRequiredSceneThe scene index number from the Scenes in Build list for the last scene that must be present in a Streaming Install build.
mediumTileShowNameThe application name to display on the Medium Tile.
packageNameThe name of the Universal Windows Platform application package to install on the device.
packageVersionThe version of the Universal Windows Platform application package to install on the device.
splashScreenBackgroundColorThe Override background color for the Unity splash screen.
supportStreamingInstallIndicates whether you can launch the Universal Windows Platform application package before installation is complete.
tileBackgroundColorThe background color to use the application's tiles.
tileForegroundTextThe color style to use for the title text within the application's tile.
tileShortNameAn alternative, shorter title name to display in the application's tile.
tileShowNameIndicates which tiles display the application's display name.
transparentSwapchain在交换链上将 AlphaMode 设置为 DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED。
vcxProjDefaultLanguageSets the XML <defaultLanguage> value specified in the generated Visual Studio project file (.vcxproj). Applies only to the initial file generation, preexisting files will not be modified. When empty 'en-US' will be used.Only applies to the UWP platform.
wideTileShowNameIndicates whether to display the application name on the wide tile.


GetCapabilityChecks if the your project sets the specified UWP Capability.
GetTargetDeviceFamilyChecks if your project targets the specified device family.
GetVisualAssetsImageRetrieves the Asset path for the image you set as the Universal Windows Platform package logo.
SetCapabilityIncludes or removes the specified UWP Capability in the Universal Windows Platform build.
SetCertificateSets the certificate to use to sign the Universal Windows Platform application package.
SetTargetDeviceFamilyAdds or removes the specified UWP device family from the list of device families the Universal Windows Platform application build supports.
SetVisualAssetsImageSets the image to use as the Universal Windows Platform package logo.

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