Version: 2020.2
언어: 한국어
Unity Xcode 프로젝트 구조
iOS 플레이어 설정

iOS 빌드 설정

iOS용 빌드를 만들려면 Build Settings (메뉴: File > Build Settings)으로 이동하십시오. Platform 리스트에서 iOS 를 선택한 후 Switch Platform 버튼을 선택하십시오.

Unity의 iOS 빌드 설정
Unity의 iOS 빌드 설정

앱을 iOS 기기로 빌드하려면 다음의 두 단계를 수행해야 합니다.

  1. Unity가 Xcode 프로젝트를 빌드합니다.

  2. Xcode가 해당 프로젝트를 기기에 빌드합니다.

Xcode가 빌드되는 기기를 선택하려면 다음 절차를 따르십시오.

  1. 기기를 컴퓨터에 연결합니다.

  2. Xcode의 메인 메뉴에서 Product > Destination 으로 이동한 후 Devices 리스트에서 기기를 선택합니다.

빌드에 대해 다음의 설정을 설정할 수 있습니다.

Setting Function
Run in Xcode This option only shows when you run Unity on macOS. Select the Xcode version to open your project with. You can choose the Latest version, or select a specific version from the drop-down list.

If you have a specific Xcode version installed on your machine, but it doesn’t appear in this list, select Other, then find and select the specific version in the Applications window that appears and select Open.

If Unity can’t find an Xcode installation on your computer, it displays a Browse button that you can select to locate the Xcode installation directory on your computer, if it exists.
Run in Xcode as Select whether Xcode runs your Project as a Release or Debug build.
Release Build an optimized version of your app.
Debug Build a testing version of your app that contains additional code that helps with debugging.
Symlink Unity libraries Reference Unity libraries instead of copying them into the Xcode project. This option reduces the Xcode project size and makes iteration times faster.
Development Build A development build includes scripting debug symbols. When you select the Development Build setting, you can select the Autoconnect Profiler, Script Debugging, and Scripts Only Build setting. It also enables the DEVELOPMENT_BUILD #define.

For more information about #define directives, see documentation on Platform dependent compilation.
Autoconnect Profiler Automatically connect the Profiler to the build. Only available if you enable the Development Build setting. For more information on the Profiler, see documentation on the Profiler.
Deep Profiling When you enable Deep Profiling, Unity profiles all of your script code and records all function calls. This is useful to pinpoint game code that causes performance issues. However, it uses a lot of memory and might not work with very complex scripts. For more information, see documentation on deep profiling.
Script Debugging Attach script debuggers to the Player remotely. Only available if you enable the Development Build setting.
Scripts Only Build Enable this setting to build just the scripts in the current Project. Only available if you enable the Development Build setting.

When you enable this setting, Unity rebuilds the scripts in your application, and leaves data files from previously executed builds intact. It significantly improves iteration times if you only change the code in your application.

Note: You need to build the entire Project once before you can use this setting.
Compression Method Compress the data in your Project at build time. This includes Assets, Scenes, Player settings, and GI data. Choose between the following methods:
Default The default compression is None.
LZ4 A fast compression format that is useful for development builds. LZ4 compression can significantly improve the loading time of your application. For more information, see documentation on BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4.
LZ4HC A high compression variant of LZ4 that is slower to build but produces better results for release builds. LZ4HC compression can significantly improve the loading time of your application. For more information, see documentation on BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4HC.

  • 2019–09–26 페이지 게시됨

Unity Xcode 프로젝트 구조
iOS 플레이어 설정
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