button | The InputButton for this event. |
clickCount | Number of clicks in a row. |
clickTime | The last time a click event was sent. |
delta | Pointer delta since last update. |
dragging | Determines whether the user is dragging the mouse or trackpad. |
enterEventCamera | The camera associated with the last OnPointerEnter event. |
hovered | List of objects in the hover stack. |
lastPress | The GameObject for the last press event. |
pointerCurrentRaycast |
RaycastResult associated with the current event. |
pointerDrag | The object that is receiving OnDrag. |
pointerEnter | The object that received 'OnPointerEnter'. |
pointerId | Id of the pointer (touch id). |
pointerPress | The GameObject that received the OnPointerDown. |
pointerPressRaycast |
RaycastResult associated with the pointer press. |
position | Current pointer position. |
pressEventCamera | The camera associated with the last OnPointerPress event. |
pressPosition | Position of the press. |
rawPointerPress | The object that the press happened on even if it can not handle the press event. |
scrollDelta | The amount of scroll since the last update. |
useDragThreshold | Should a drag threshold be used? |