Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.2 (Go to current version)
  • C#


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public string errorString;


Allows you to set the error text of the wizard.

See Also: ScriptableWizard.OnWizardUpdate

Error String on a ScriptableWizard window.

// Creates a simple Wizard window and prints an error
// string until you set the number to 5

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;

public class ErrorString : ScriptableWizard { public int number = 0; [MenuItem("Example/Show Error String")] static void CreateWindow() { ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Error String example", typeof(ErrorString), "Close"); }

void OnWizardUpdate() { helpString = "Set The number to 5"; if (number != 5) errorString = "The number has to be set to 5!"; else errorString = ""; } }