Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine




KeyCode maps to physical keys only if "Use Physical Keys" is enabled in Input Manager settings, otherwise it maps to layout and platform dependent key mapping. Starting from 2022.1 "Use Physical Keys" is enabled by default.

Use this class to read the axes set up in the Conventional Game Input, and to access multi-touch/accelerometer data on mobile devices.

To read an axis use Input.GetAxis with one of the following default axes: "Horizontal" and "Vertical" are mapped to joystick, A, W, S, D and the arrow keys. "Mouse X" and "Mouse Y" are mapped to the mouse delta. "Fire1", "Fire2" "Fire3" are mapped to Ctrl, Alt, Cmd keys and three mouse or joystick buttons. New input axes can be added. See Input Manager for this.

If you are using input for any kind of movement behaviour use Input.GetAxis. It gives you smoothed and configurable input that can be mapped to a keyboard, joystick or mouse. Use Input.GetButton for action-like events only. Do not use it for movement. Input.GetAxis will make the script code smaller and simpler.

Note: Input flags are not reset until Update. You should make all the Input calls in the Update Loop.

See Also: KeyCode which lists all of the key press, mouse and joystick options.


iOS and Android devices are capable of tracking multiple fingers touching the screen simultaneously. You can access data on the status of each finger touching screen during the last frame by using the Input.touches property array.

As a device moves, its accelerometer hardware reports linear acceleration changes along the three primary axes in three-dimensional space. You can use this data to detect both the current orientation of the device (relative to the ground) and any immediate changes to that orientation.

Acceleration along each axis is reported directly by the hardware as G-force values. A value of 1.0 represents a load of about +1g along a given axis while a value of -1.0 represents -1g. If you hold the device upright (with the home button at the bottom) in front of you, the X axis is positive along the right, the Y axis is positive directly up, and the Z axis is positive pointing toward you.

You can use the Input.acceleration property to get the accelerometer reading. You can also use the Input.deviceOrientation property to get a discrete evaluation of the device's orientation in three-dimensional space. Detecting a change in orientation can be useful if you want to create game behaviors when the user rotates the device to hold it differently.

Note that the accelerometer hardware can be polled more than once per frame. To access all accelerometer samples since the last frame, you can use the Input.accelerationEvents property array. This can be useful when reconstructing player motions, feeding acceleration data into a predictor, or implementing other precise motion analysis.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { Debug.Log(Input.mousePosition); } } }

This component relates to legacy methods for drawing UI textures and images to the screen. You should instead use UI system. This is also unrelated to the IMGUI system.

Static 変数

acceleration最後に測定した 3 次元空間でのデバイスの線形加速度(読み取り専用)
accelerationEvents最後のフレーム間で発生した測定によって得た加速度の値(読み取り専用) (一時的な変数を割り当てます)
anyKeyDownユーザーがなんらかのキーかマウスボタンを押した最初のフレームのみ true を返します(読み取り専用)
backButtonLeavesAppShould Back button quit the application?Only usable on Android, Windows Phone or Windows Tablets.
compositionCursorPosIME で開くウィンドウに使用される現在のテキスト入力の位置
compositionString現在ユーザーによって入力されている現在の IME で構成された文字列
deviceOrientationOS によって判断されるデバイスの物理的な方向(読み取り専用)
imeCompositionModeIME 入力構成の制御の有効/無効
imeIsSelectedユーザーが選択したキーボード入力ソースが IME であるかどうか
mousePositionThe current mouse position in pixel coordinates. (Read Only).
mousePresentIndicates if a mouse device is detected.
penEventCountReturns the number of queued pen events that can be accessed by calling [[GetPenEvent()]].
simulateMouseWithTouchesEnables/Disables mouse simulation with touches. By default this option is enabled.
stylusTouchSupportedReturns true when Stylus Touch is supported by a device or platform.
touches最後のフレーム間ですべてのタッチ情報のオブジェクトリストを返します(読み取り専用) (一時的な変数を割り当てられます)
touchPressureSupportedBool value which let's users check if touch pressure is supported.

Static 関数

ClearLastPenContactEventClears the last stored pen event. Calling this function may impact event handling for UIToolKit elements.
GetAxis axisName で識別される仮想軸の値を返します
GetAxisRaw axisName で識別される仮想軸の平滑化フィルターが適用されていない値を返します
GetButton buttonName で識別される仮想ボタンを押している間 true を返します
GetButtonDown buttonName で識別される仮想ボタンを押したフレームの間だけ true を返します。
GetButtonUp buttonName によって識別される仮想ボタンを離したフレームの間だけ true を返します
GetJoystickNamesRetrieves a list of input device names corresponding to the index of an Axis configured within Input Manager.
GetKeyReturns true while the user holds down the key identified by name.
GetKeyDown name によって識別されるキーを押したフレームの間だけ true を返します
GetKeyUp name によって識別されるキーを離したフレームの間だけ true を返します
GetLastPenContactEventReturns the PenData for the last stored pen up or down event.
GetMouseButtonDownユーザーがマウスボタンを押したフレームの間だけ true を返します
GetMouseButtonUpマウスボタンを離したフレームの間だけ true を返します
GetPenEventReturns the PenData for the pen event at the given index in the pen event queue.
GetTouchCall Input.GetTouch to obtain a Touch struct.
IsJoystickPreconfiguredDetermine whether a particular joystick model has been preconfigured by Unity. (Linux-only).
ResetInputAxesすべての入力をリセットします。ResetInputAxes を行った後、すべての軸は 0 になり、すべてのボタンは 1 フレームだけ 0 に戻ります
ResetPenEventsClears the pen event queue.

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