Version: 2018.4
Managing your Organization’s Projects
Working with Unity Teams

Transfer a Project to a new Organization

To transfer a Unity Project from one organization to another, you must be an owner or manager of both organizations. You perform this operation through the Unity Developer Dashboard.

Note: You do not need to disable Unity Services for this process.

From the Developer Dashboard Projects list, locate the Project you want to transfer, and select View.

Selecting a Project on the Developer Dashboard
Selecting a Project on the Developer Dashboard

Select Settings on the left navigation bar, then select General from the drop-down options.

Selecting the General Settings for your Project
Selecting the General Settings for your Project

Select the Transfer this project to another organization drop-down, then select the destination organization from the list and click Transfer.

Transferring a Project to another organisation
Transferring a Project to another organisation

A message appears indicating whether the transfer was successful. If you receive an error message, contact Unity Support.

  • 2017–10–18 Page published with no editorial review

  • 2017–10–18 - Project transfer service compatible with Unity 2017.1 onwards at this date; version compatibility may be subject to change.

Managing your Organization’s Projects
Working with Unity Teams
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