Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Audio Area
GPU Area

Physics Profiler

Physics Area

The Physics area shows the following statistics about the physics in the scene:-

  • Active Rigidbodies is the number of rigidbodies that are not currently sleeping (ie, they are moving or just coming to rest).
  • Sleeping Rigidbodies is the number of rigidbodies that are completely at rest and therefore don’t need to be updated actively by the physics engine (see Rigidbody Sleeping for further details).
  • Number of Contacts is the total number of points of contact between all colliders in the scene.
  • Static Colliders is the number of colliders attached to non-rigidbody objects (ie, objects which never move under physics).
  • Dynamic Colliders is the number of colliders attached to rigidbody objects (ie, objects which do move under physics).
Audio Area
GPU Area
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