Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Contrast Stretch
Depth of Field (Deprecated)

Crease Shading

The Crease is a common non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering technique that enhances the visibility of objects by adding outlines of variable thickness.

As with the other image effects, you must have the Standard Assets Effects package installed before it becomes available.

Crease shading creates depth based outlines.
Crease shading creates depth based outlines.


Property: Function:
Intensity The intensity of the crease shading.
Softness The smoothness and softness of the applied crease shading.
Spread The blur radius, which also determines the thickness of outlines.

Hardware Support

This effect requires a graphics card that supports Depth Textures. See the Graphics Hardware Capabilities and Emulation page for further details and a list of compliant hardware.

Contrast Stretch
Depth of Field (Deprecated)
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