Legacy Documentation: Version 5.6 (Go to current version)
Using Git with Unity Cloud Build
Using Bitbucket with Unity Cloud Build
Other Versions

Using GitHub with Unity Cloud Build

Unity Cloud Build can connect to Git and Git Large File Storage (LFS) repositories hosted on GitHub (github.com). When connecting to GitHub, Unity Cloud Build automatically detects whether your repository is public or private.

Using public GitHub repositories

Unity Cloud Build can automatically connect to public repositories on GitHub. Paste in the repository’s URL when setting up a project in Cloud Build.

Using private GitHub repositories

If your GitHub repository is private, find the SSH key provided by Unity during the project’s setup for Cloud Build, and follow the instructions below to add it to your GitHub account.

  1. Log in to your GitHub account

  2. Click on Account Settings (the button depicting a screwdriver and spanner)

  3. Choose SSH Keys from the menu

  4. Click Add SSH Key and give it a name (such as Unity Cloud Build)

  5. Paste the Unity Cloud Build SSH key into the GitHub Key field

  6. Click Add Key

Using Git with Unity Cloud Build
Using Bitbucket with Unity Cloud Build
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