Version: 2021.1


public Profiling.IProfilerFrameTimeViewSampleSelectionController GetFrameTimeViewSampleSelectionController (string moduleName);


moduleName The name of the Profiler module whose selection controller you want to retrieve. Only ProfilerWindow.cpuModuleName and ProfilerWindow.gpuModuleName are currently valid, other options will throw and ArgumentException.


IProfilerFrameTimeViewSampleSelectionController An IProfilerFrameTimeSampleSelectionController object with which you can use to control the selection of the specified Profiler module.


Retrieves an IProfilerFrameTimeSampleSelectionController object that you can use to control the selection in Profiler modules that are displaying timing information of Profiler Samples, such as the CPU Usage module and the GPU Usage Profiler module.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using UnityEngine;

public class Example : EditorWindow { ProfilerWindow m_Profiler = null; [MenuItem("Window/Analysis/Profiler Extension")] public static void ShowExampleWindow() { var window = GetWindow<Example>(); window.m_Profiler = EditorWindow.GetWindow<ProfilerWindow>(); }

void OnGUI() { // First make sure there is an open Profiler Window if (m_Profiler == null) m_Profiler = EditorWindow.GetWindow<ProfilerWindow>(); // If the currently selected Module is not the CPU Usage module, setting the selection will not be visible to the user immediately if (m_Profiler.selectedModuleName == ProfilerWindow.cpuModuleName) { // Get the CPU Usage Profiler module's selection controller interface to interact with the selection var cpuSampleSelectionController = m_Profiler.GetFrameTimeViewSampleSelectionController(ProfilerWindow.cpuModuleName); // If the current selection object is null, there is no selection to print out. using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(cpuSampleSelectionController.selection == null)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Print current Selection")) { // Get the currently shown selection and log out some of its details var selection = cpuSampleSelectionController.selection; Debug.Log($"The sample currently selected in the CPU Usage Profiler module is {selection.sampleDisplayName} at a depth of {selection.markerPathDepth}."); } } } } }

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