Version: 2021.3




other 该碰撞中涉及的其他 Collider。


GameObject 与另一个 GameObject 碰撞时,Unity 会调用 OnTriggerEnter

当两个 GameObjects 碰撞时,OnTriggerEnter 会在 FixedUpdate 函数上发生。涉及的碰撞体并不始终在初始接触点处。

注意:两个 GameObjects 都必须包含 Collider 组件。其中一个必须启用 Collider.isTrigger,并包含 Rigidbody。如果两个 GameObjects 都启用了 Collider.isTrigger,则不会发生碰撞。如果两个 GameObjects 都没有 Rigidbody 组件,情况同样如此。

To use the following code sample, create a primitive GameObject, and attach a Collider and Rigidbody component to it. Enable Collider.isTrigger and Rigidbody.isKinematic. This GameObject will travel forward, until it collides with another GameObject. When a collision occurs, the direction immediately reverses.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { private float speed = 2f;

//Moves this GameObject 2 units a second in the forward direction void Update() { transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed); }

//Upon collision with another GameObject, this GameObject will reverse direction private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { speed = speed * -1; } }
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