Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.1 (Go to current version)
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class in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.CoreModule


Raw interface to Unity's drawing functions.

This is the high-level shortcut into the optimized mesh drawing functionality of Unity.

Static Properties

activeColorBufferCurrently active color buffer (Read Only).
activeColorGamutReturns the currently active color gamut.
activeDepthBufferCurrently active depth/stencil buffer (Read Only).
activeTierGraphics Tier classification for current device. Changing this value affects any subsequently loaded shaders. Initially this value is auto-detected from the hardware in use.

Static Methods

BlitCopies source texture into destination render texture with a shader.
BlitMultiTapCopies source texture into destination, for multi-tap shader.
ClearRandomWriteTargetsClear random write targets for Shader Model 4.5 level pixel shaders.
ConvertTextureThis function provides an efficient way to convert between textures of different formats and dimensions. The destination texture format should be uncompressed and correspond to a supported RenderTextureFormat.
CopyTextureCopy texture contents.
CreateGPUFenceCreates a GPUFence which will be passed after the last Blit, Clear, Draw, Dispatch or Texture Copy command prior to this call has been completed on the GPU.
DrawMeshDraw a mesh.
DrawMeshInstancedDraw the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing.
DrawMeshInstancedIndirectDraw the same mesh multiple times using GPU instancing.
DrawMeshNowDraw a mesh immediately.
DrawProceduralDraws a fully procedural geometry on the GPU.
DrawProceduralIndirectDraws a fully procedural geometry on the GPU.
DrawTextureDraw a texture in screen coordinates.
ExecuteCommandBufferExecute a command buffer.
ExecuteCommandBufferAsyncExecutes a command buffer on an async compute queue with the queue selected based on the ComputeQueueType parameter passed.It is required that all of the commands within the command buffer be of a type suitable for execution on the async compute queues. If the buffer contains any commands that are not appropriate then an error will be logged and displayed in the editor window. Specifically the following commands are permitted in a CommandBuffer intended for async execution:CommandBuffer.BeginSampleCommandBuffer.CopyCounterValueCommandBuffer.CopyTextureCommandBuffer.CreateGPUFenceCommandBuffer.DispatchComputeCommandBuffer.EndSampleCommandBuffer.IssuePluginEventCommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParamCommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParamCommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParamsCommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParamCommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorParamCommandBuffer.WaitOnGPUFenceAll of the commands within the buffer are guaranteed to be executed on the same queue. If the target platform does not support async compute queues then the work is dispatched on the graphics queue.
SetRandomWriteTargetSet random write target for Shader Model 4.5 level pixel shaders.
SetRenderTargetSets current render target.
WaitOnGPUFenceInstructs the GPU's processing of the graphics queue to wait until the given GPUFence is passed.