Version: 2023.1
Submit a license request from a command line and browser (macOS, Linux)
Upgrade Unity

License Troubleshooting


激活问题 退回问题 * 其他问题的答案 * Additional resources



问题: 解决方案:
无法访问互联网 Try to activate your license with a license request. For more information, see Manual license activation.
安全设置阻止 Unity 查看您的防火墙、代理或互联网安全设置。这些设置可能阻止 Unity 发送和接收有关许可证文件的数据。
没有保存许可证文件所需的写入权限 Grant or obtain write permissions to the user account you are using to activate a license. This often occurs in closed networks, such as those at workplaces and schools. Contact your IT administrator to find out whether there are any restrictions in place.
许可证无法识别您的机器 Major operating system changes or updates might affect your machine’s ID, which might cause your license to stop recognizing your machine. See this Unity Knowledge Base article: I Have Just Updated/Installed A New Operating System. Why Is My License Failing To Activate?
Unity 的许可证服务器可能已宕机 请参阅 Unity Cloud System Status Page 以查看所有 Unity 服务器的最新状态。
许可证激活过多 如果您特定机器不再需要,可以退回您的许可证

您必须在切换机器之前退回您的许可证。必须在对机器进行任何硬件或操作系统更改之前退回许可证。如果您未能退回许可证,Unity 许可证服务器会看到来自另一台计算机的请求,并通知您已达到许可证的激活限制。

无法识别帐户凭据 Make sure you enter your details correctly. Passwords are case sensitive, so make sure you enter them exactly as registered. To reset your password, go to I forgot my password.

You can also receive failed login or activation errors if you or your build server exceed the login rate limit, which is 10 logins per minute.

If you are still having problems logging in, contact



问题: 解决方案:
You can’t return your license by using the Unity Hub because you can’t access your computer 1. Go to and log in with your Unity ID.
2. Select My Account > My Seats in the side menu.
3. Select the activation you want to deactivate, then select Remove selected activations. If you want to return all activations in one action, select Disable all activations.

If you have licenses activated on other computers, you need to re-activate them later.

If you still can’t return your license, email and explain your situation. Include these details:

- The serial number you were using on the machine.
- The (local network) name of the machine that died.
- The order or invoice number used to make the purchase.

The Support Team can return your license manually if you provide the above information; however, it can take some time. This process is only available for purchased licenses.


问题: 解答:
我可以在多少台机器上安装 Unity 软件? 每个付费的商业 Unity 许可证允许一个人在独自使用的两台机器上使用 Unity。机器的物理位置或它们运行的操作系统无关紧要。

通过 Unity 或我们的任何经销商销售的教育许可证仅适用于一次激活。除非另行说明,试用许可证(仅限 Unity 4.x)也是如此。

以下商业实体无法获得 Unity 免费版本的许可:年度总收入(基于会计年度)超过 100,000 美元,或者年度预算超过 100,000 美元的教育实体、非营利实体或政府实体。

如果您是法律实体,则不得将使用免费版 Unity 开发的文件与您(或任何第三方)通过使用 Unity Pro 开发的任何文件合并。

有关许可证使用要求的更多信息,请参阅我们的 EULA
Can I use the latest version of Unity with a serial number from a previous version? If you have a serial number for Unity Editor 2017 or later, open the Unity Hub and activate the serial key. See Activate with a serial number.

If you have a serial number for Unity version 5.x, use that version of the Editor. For activation information, see Version 5.6 documentation.

To get a new Unity license, go to the online store.

If you’re unsure about your license options, contact Unity using this form.
我有两个许可证,每个都有我需要的附加组件,如何在机器上同步激活它们? 一个许可证一次只能在一台机器上使用。您不能在一台机器上同时激活两个或多个许可证。
如何使用不同的 Unity 版本? Unity 假定一台机器上只能运行单个版本的 Unity。但是,您可以在计算机上安装并运行多个 Unity 版本。这些版本都需要相同的序列号。如果有不同版本的 Unity 需要不同的许可证,那么需要采用一种复制许可证的方法。例如,您可以将许可证存储在桌面端。在运行特定版本之前,将 Unity 许可证文件 (.ulf) 复制到需要存储许可证的位置。

我打算更换硬件和/或操作系统。该怎么办? 必须在对机器进行任何硬件或操作系统更改之前退回许可证。您在切换机器之前也必须退回您的许可证。如果未能退回许可证,Unity 服务器将看到来自其他计算机的请求,并通知您已达到许可证的激活限制。
我的 Unity 许可证文件存储在哪里? - macOS: /Library/Application\ Support/Unity

- Linux: ~/.local/share/unity3d/Unity/Unity_lic.ulf

- Windows: C:\ProgramData\Unity\

Note: If Windows User Account Control (UAC) has restricted your access to C:\ProgramData\Unity, find your ulf file at:
(UAC can restrict access if the folder is deleted or if Unity is started with administrative permissions first time.)


Submit a license request from a command line and browser (macOS, Linux)
Upgrade Unity
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