Version: 2017.4
Интеграция с Plastic SCM
Smart Merge

Использование внешних систем управления версиями c Unity

Unity offers an Asset Server add-on product for easy integrated versioning of your projects and you can also use Perforce and PlasticSCM as external tools (see Version Control Integration for further details). If you for some reason are not able use these systems, it is possible to store your project in any other version control system, such as Subversion or Bazaar. This requires some initial manual setup of your project.

Before checking your project in, you have to tell Unity to modify the project structure slightly to make it compatible with storing assets in an external version control system. This is done by selecting Edit->Project Settings->Editor in the application menu and enabling External Version Control support by selecting Visible Meta Files in the dropdown for Version Control. This will show a text file for every asset in the Assets directory containing the necessary bookkeeping information required by Unity. The files will have a .meta file extension with the first part being the full file name of the asset it is associated with. Moving and renaming assets within Unity should also update the relevant .meta files. However, if you move or rename assets from an external tool, make sure to syncronize the relevant .meta files as well.

When checking the project into a version control system, you should add the Assets, UnityPackageManager and the ProjectSettings directories to the system. The Library directory should be completely ignored - when using .meta files, it’s only a local cache of imported assets.

При создании новых ассетов, убедитесь, что сам ассет и соответствующий ему .meta файл добавились в систему управления версиями.

Пример: Создание нового проекта и импорт его в репозиторий Subversion.

First, let’s assume that we have a subversion repository at svn:// and want to create a project at svn:// Then follow these steps to create the initial import in the system:

  1. Создайте новый проект в Unity и назовите его InitialUnityProject. Вы можете добавить сюда любые исходные ассеты или сделать это позже.
  2. Включите Visible Meta files в меню Edit->Project Settings->Editor
  3. Закройте Unity (чтобы убедиться, что все файлы точно сохранились).
  4. Удалите каталог Library внутри директории с вашим проектом.
  5. Import the project directory into Subversion. If you are using the command line client, this is done like this from the directory where your initial project is located: svn import -m"Initial project import" InitialUnityProject svn:// If successful, the project should now be imported into subversion and you can delete the InitialUnityProject directory if you wish.
  6. Check out the project back from subversion svn co svn:// and check that the Assets, UnityPackageManager and ProjectSettings directory are versioned.
  7. Откройте проект в Unity, запустив его зажав Option или левый Alt. Открытие проекта пересоздаст папку Library, указанную в шаге 4.
  8. Optional: Set up an ignore filter for the unversioned Library directory: svn propedit svn:ignore MyUnityProject/ Subversion will open a text editor. Add the Library directory.
  9. Finally, commit the changes. The project should now be set up and ready: svn ci -m"Finishing project import" MyUnityProject
Интеграция с Plastic SCM
Smart Merge
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