

The XR module contains the VR and AR related platform support functionality.


CommonUsagesDefines static variables that are used to retrieve input features from XR.InputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue.
InputDevicesAn interface for accessing devices in the XR input subsytem.
InputTrackingA collection of methods and properties for interacting with the XR tracking system.
IntegratedSubsystemAn IntegratedSubsystem is initialized from an IntegratedSubsystemDescriptor for a given Subsystem (Example, Input, Environment, Display, etc.) and provides an interface to interact with that given IntegratedSubsystem until it is Destroyed. After an IntegratedSubsystem is created it can be Started or Stopped to turn on and off functionality (and preserve performance). The base type for IntegratedSubsystem only exposes this functionality; this class is designed to be a base class for derived classes that expose more functionality specific to a given IntegratedSubsystem. Note: initializing a second IntegratedSubsystem from the same IntegratedSubsystemDescriptor will return a reference to the existing IntegratedSubsystem as only one IntegratedSubsystem is currently allowed for a single IntegratedSubsystem provider.
IntegratedSubsystemDescriptorInformation about a subsystem that can be queried before creating a subsystem instance.
SubsystemA Subsystem is initialized from a SubsystemDescriptor for a given Subsystem (Example, Input, Environment, Display, etc.) and provides an interface to interact with that given Subsystem until it is Destroyed. After a Subsystem is created it can be Started or Stopped to turn on and off functionality (and preserve performance). The base type for Subsystem only exposes this functionality; this class is designed to be a base class for derived classes that expose more functionality specific to a given Subsystem. Note: initializing a second Subsystem from the same SubsystemDescriptor will return a reference to the existing Subsystem as only one Subsystem is currently allowed for a single Subsystem provider.
SubsystemDescriptorInformation about a subsystem that can be queried before creating a subsystem instance.
SubsystemManagerGives access to subsystems which provide additional functionality through plugins.
XRCameraSubsystemProvides access to a device's camera.
XRCameraSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRCameraSubsystem registration.
XRDepthSubsystemProvides access to depth data of the physical environment, such as a point cloud.
XRDepthSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRDepthSubsystem registration.
XRDisplaySubsystemAn XRDisplaySubsystem controls rendering to a head tracked display.
XRDisplaySubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRDisplaySubsystem registration.
XRExperienceSubsystemProvides methods and properties that allow for querying information specific to the platform experience.
XRExperienceSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRExperienceSubsystem registration.
XRGestureSubsystemProvides access to events for gestures supported by a given platform.
XRGestureSubsystemDescriptorInformation about an Gesture subsystem.
XRInputSubsystemXRInputSubsystem Instance is used to enable and disable the inputs coming from a specific plugin.
XRInputSubsystemDescriptorInformation about an Input subsystem.
XRMeshSubsystemAllows external systems to provide dynamic meshes to Unity.
XRMeshSubsystemDescriptorInformation about an XRMeshSubsystem.
XRPlaneSubsystemProvides methods, events, and properties that provides information about planes detected in the environment.
XRPlaneSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRPlaneSubsystem registration.
XRRaycastSubsystemProvides methods and properties that allow for querying portions of the physical environment that are near a provided specified ray. These trackables include planes and depth data.
XRRaycastSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRRaycastSubsystem registration.
XRReferencePointSubsystemProvides methods and properties that allow for querying, creating, and removing of reference points. These reference points are cues to the XRSessionSubsystem that indicate areas of interest in the environment which helps assure that tracking of these points remains accurate.
XRReferencePointSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRReferencePointSubsystem registration.
XRSessionSubsystemA collection of methods and properties used to interact with and configure an XR session.
XRSessionSubsystemDescriptorClass providing information about XRSessionSubsystem registration.
XRStatsProvides timing and other statistics from XR subsystems.


BoneA tracked bone on the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem.
BoundedPlaneStructure describing a bounded plane representing a real-world surface.
EyesContains eye tracking data from the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem.
FrameReceivedEventArgsStructure containing data passed during Frame Received Event.
GestureHoldEventEvent data for hold gesture.
GestureManipulationEventEvent data for manipulation gesture.
GestureNavigationEventEvent data for navigation gesture.
GestureRecognitionEventEvent data for recognition gesture.
GestureTappedEventEvent data for tapped gesture.
HandA tracked hand on the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem.
HapticCapabilitiesDescribes the haptic capabilities of the device at an XRNode in the XR input subsystem.
InputDeviceDefines an input device in the XR input subsystem.
InputFeatureUsageDefines a generic usage that maps to an input feature on a device. Use the As method to turn into a generic usage.
InputFeatureUsage<T0>Defines a generic usage that maps to an input feature on a device.
MeshGenerationResultContains event information related to a generated mesh.
MeshInfoContains state information related to a tracked mesh.
PlaneAddedEventArgsContains data supplied to a XRPlaneSubsystem.PlaneAdded event.
PlaneRemovedEventArgsContains data supplied to a XRPlaneSubsystem.PlaneRemoved event.
PlaneUpdatedEventArgsContains data supplied to a XRPlaneSubsystem.PlaneUpdated event.
PointCloudUpdatedEventArgsContains data supplied to a XRDepth.PointCloudUpdated event.
ReferencePointDescribes the transform data of a real-world point.
ReferencePointUpdatedEventArgsData to be passed to the user when the device corrects its understanding of the world enough that the ReferencePoint's position or rotation has changed.
SessionTrackingStateChangedEventArgsStructure defining Tracking State Changed event arguments passed when tracking state changes.
TrackableIdA session-unique identifier for trackables in the environment, e.g., planes and feature points.
XRNodeStateDescribes the state of a node tracked by a XR system. .
XRRaycastHitStructure describing the result of a XRRaycastSubsystem.Raycast hit.


GestureEventStateThe state of a given gesture. A gesture can be thought of as a state machine that transitions through multiple states during it's lifetime.
GestureEventTypesFlags that indicate the type of gestures that the gesture subsystem can detected.
GestureHoldValidFieldsFlags indicating which fields of the GestureHoldEvent struct are valid this event.
GestureManipulationValidFieldsFlags indicating which fields of the GestureManipulationEvent struct are valid for this event.
GestureNavigationValidFieldsFlags indicating which fields of the UnityXRGestureNavigationEvent struct are valid for this event.
GestureRecognitionValidFieldsFlags indicating which fields of the UnityXRGestureRecognitionEvent struct are valid for this event.
GestureTappedValidFieldsFlags indicating which fields of the UnityXRGestureTappedEvent struct are valid for this event.
GestureTrackingCoordinatesFlags indicating which coordinate spaces that the gesture can track in.
HandFingerEnumeration describing the AR rendering mode used with Hand.
InputDeviceRoleEnumeration describing the role of a InputDevice in providing input.
InputTrackingStateRepresents the values being tracked for this device.
MeshChangeStateThe state of a tracked mesh since the last query.
MeshGenerationStatusThe status of a XRMeshSubsystem.GenerateMeshAsync.
MeshVertexAttributesA set of vertex attributes.
PlaneAlignmentDescribes current plane alignment in mixed reality space.
TrackableTypeA trackable is feature in the physical environment that a device is able to track, such as a plane.
TrackingStateCurrent tracking state of the device.
XRNodeEnumeration of XR nodes which can be updated by XR input or sent haptic data.

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