Version: 2017.3 (switch to 2017.4)
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struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering

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Parameters controlling culling process in CullResults.

Typical use case is to compute culling parameters from Camera data, see CullResults.GetCullingParameters.


cameraPropertiesCamera Properties used for culling.
cullingFlagsCulling Flags for the culling.
cullingMaskCullingMask used for culling.
cullingMatrixCullingMatrix used for culling.
cullingPlaneCountNumber of culling planes to use.
cullStereoProjThe projection matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling.
cullStereoSeparationDistance between the virtual eyes.
cullStereoViewThe view matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling.
isOrthographicIs the cull orthographic.
layerCullLayers to cull.
lodParametersLODParameters for culling.
positionPosition for the origin of th cull.
reflectionProbeSortOptionsReflection Probe Sort options for the cull.
sceneMaskScene Mask to use for the cull.
shadowDistanceShadow distance to use for the cull.

Public Methods

GetCullingPlaneFetch the culling plane at the given index.
GetLayerCullDistanceGet the distance for the culling of a specific layer.
SetCullingPlaneSet the culling plane at a given index.
SetLayerCullDistanceSet the distance for the culling of a specific layer.