Version: 2019.2
  • C#


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Obsolete public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, Object obj, Type objType);
Obsolete public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, string label, Object obj, Type objType);
Obsolete public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, GUIContent label, Object obj, Type objType);
public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, Object obj, Type objType, bool allowSceneObjects);
public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, string label, Object obj, Type objType, bool allowSceneObjects);
public static Object ObjectField(Rect position, GUIContent label, Object obj, Type objType, bool allowSceneObjects);


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
labelOptional label in front of the field.
objThe object the field shows.
objTypeThe type of the objects that can be assigned.
allowSceneObjectsAllow assigning Scene objects. See Description for more info.


Object The object that has been set by the user.


Makes an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.

Ensure that the allowSceneObjects parameter is false if the object reference is stored as part of an asset, since assets can't store references to objects in a Scene.
If the ObjectField is part of a custom Editor for a script component, use EditorUtility.IsPersistent() to check if the component is on an asset or a Scene object.
See example in Editor class.

Object field in an Editor Window.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

//Select the dependencies of the found GameObject public class EditorGUIObjectField : EditorWindow { public GameObject obj = null; [MenuItem("Examples/Select Dependencies")] static void Init() { UnityEditor.EditorWindow window = GetWindow(typeof(EditorGUIObjectField)); window.position = new Rect(0, 0, 250, 80); window.Show(); }

void OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); }

void OnGUI() { obj = (GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(3, 3, position.width - 6, 20), "Find Dependency", obj, typeof(GameObject)); if (obj) if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3, 25, position.width - 6, 20), "Check Dependencies")) Selection.objects = EditorUtility.CollectDependencies(new GameObject[] {obj});

else EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(3, 25, position.width - 6, 20), "Missing:", "Select an object first"); } }

public static void ObjectField(Rect position, SerializedProperty property);
public static void ObjectField(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label);
public static void ObjectField(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, Type objType);
public static void ObjectField(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, Type objType, GUIContent label);


positionRectangle on the screen to use for the field.
propertyThe object reference property the field shows.
objTypeThe type of the objects that can be assigned.
labelOptional label to display in front of the field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide the label.


Makes an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.

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