Version: 2020.1
Build manifest as ScriptableObject
Cloud Build REST API

Scheduled builds

Unity Cloud BuildA continuous integration service for Unity projects that automates the process of creating builds on Unity’s servers. More info
See in Glossary
lets you configure build targets to automatically build on a schedule. To start setting up a schedule, enable the Schedule Build option on the Basic Info page for your build target.

When you’ve enabled the Schedule Build option on a build target, you can set additional options, including: * A repeat cycle (Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly) * Date and time for the build * Whether or not the scheduled build should use caching

Once set up, Cloud Build automatically starts a build for your build target at the specified date and time, and repeats as often as you specified. To disable a schedule, toggle the Schedule Build option to Off.

There is no limit to the number of schedules you can create for a project, but you can only set up one schedule for each build target. To create multiple schedules for a project, you’ll need to create additional build targets.

Build manifest as ScriptableObject
Cloud Build REST API
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