Version: 2023.2


class in Unity.IO.Archive



Provides methods for managing Unity archive files.

This class offers a low level interface for managing Unity Archive Files.

Once an Archive is mounted its contents can be accessed with AsyncReadManager or ContentLoadInterface.LoadContentFileAsync.

AssetBundles are an example of an Archive file and can be loaded with this API. However, typically AssetBundles are loading using the AssetBundle class, or via the Addressables package.

Another example of an Archive file is the data.unity3d file generated when BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer is called with BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4 or BuildOptions.CompressWithLz4HC. In that case this API is not normally needed, because the contents of the Archive are automatically available in the player.

See Also: ContentBuildInterface.ArchiveAndCompress.


GetMountedArchivesRetrieves all mounted archives.
MountAsyncLoads all files in an archive to a mount point.

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