Version: 2020.1
Configuring your Unity Project for XR
XR API reference

Universal Render Pipeline compatibility in XR

Support for XR features in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) varies by URP package version. This page details compatibility between XR features in Unity 2020.1 and the latest compatible URP version.

To determine which version of URP is compatible with your current Unity version, see the Requirements and compatibility page in the Universal Render Pipeline documentation.

Unity 2020.1 supports the following AR and VR features in the Universal Render Pipeline:

Feature Supported in XR
Post-processing effects: Bloom Да
Post-processing effects: MotionBlur No
Post-processing effects: Lens Distortion No
Post-processing effects: Depth of Field Да
Post-processing effects: ToneMapping Да
Other post-processing effects (color adjustment, etc.) Да
GI (Global Illumination) Да
HDR rendering Yes (1)
Physical Camera No
CopyColor / ColorDepth Да
Multi Display No
Camera Stacking Да
Cascaded Shadow Да
Скайбокс Да
Fog Да
Billboard Да
Shader Graph Yes (2)
Particles Да
Terrain Да
2D UI (Canvas Renderer, Text Mesh Pro) Да
URP Debug (Scene View Mode, Frame Debug) Yes (3)

(1) HDR display is currently unsupported. (2) Although Shader Graph shaders can run in XR, Shader Graph doesn’t currently support the XR utility feature to create SPI-compatible shader input textures. Unity will expand support for Shader Graph functionality in future releases. (3) Unity supports frame debugging for mock HMDs. Currently, there is no support for Oculus.

To learn more about post-processing effects, see the Effect list page in the Universal Render Pipeline documentation.

Configuring your Unity Project for XR
XR API reference
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