Style text with rich text tags
Font assets

Supported rich text tags

The following table lists all the supported rich text tags:

Tag Description Example
<a> Define a hyperlink. Use the href attribute to define the hyperlink URL. <a href="">Visit Unity!</a>
<align> Change the text’s horizontal alignment. The supported values are:
  • left
  • center
  • right
  • justified
  • flush

If you put multiple alignment tags on the same line, the last one overrides the others.
<allcaps> Convert text to uppercase. <allcaps>Alice and Bob watched TV.</allcaps>
<alpha> Change text opacity. It works with hexadecimal values. <alpha=#FF>FF <alpha=#CC>CC <alpha=#AA>AA <alpha=#88>88 <alpha=#66>66 <alpha=#44>44 <alpha=#22>22 <alpha=#00>00
<b> Render text in boldface. The fox jumps over the <b>lazy dog</b>
<br> Forces a line break in text. Break the line here <br> New line starts
<color> Change text color or color and opacity. It supports color names and hexadecimal values. If you apply successive tags in the same text, the last one takes precedence over the others until you either add another tag or use a closing tag to end the current color’s scope. <color="red">Red <color=#005500>Dark Green <#0000FF>Blue <color=#FF000088>Semitransparent Red
<cspace> Change spacing between characters, either absolute or relative to the original font Asset. Use pixels or font units. Positive adjustments push the characters apart, negative adjustments pull them together. <cspace=1em>Spacing</cspace> is just as important as <cspace=-0.5em>timing.
<font> Change text font. Would you like <font="Impact SDF">a different font?</font>
<font-weight> Change the text’s font weight to any of the weights defined in the font Asset. If you haven’t defined any font weights, you can still use 400 for normal, 700 for bold. <font-weight="100">Thin</font-weight>
<gradient> Apply a color gradient to text. <gradient="Light to Dark Green - Vertical">gradient
<i> Render text in italics. The <i>quick brown fox</i>
<indent> Indent all text between the tag and the next hard line break. Use this tag to create text patterns, such as bullet points, that work with word-wrapping. Specify indentation in pixels, font units, or percentages. <indent=15%>It is useful for things like bullet points.</indent>
<line-height> Modify the line height relative to the default line height specified in the font Asset. Specify the line height in pixels, font units, or percentages. <line-height=50%>Line height at 50%
<line-indent> Indent the first line after every hard line break. New lines created by word-wrapping are not indented. <line-indent=15%>This line is indented. <br>This line is also indented.
<lowercase> Convert text to lowercase. <lowercase>Alice and Bob watched TV.</lowercase>
<margin> Set the text horizontal margins. If you only want to adjust the left or right margin, you can use the <margin-left> or <margin-right> tag. Specify the margins in pixels, font units, and percentages. Negative values have no effect. <margin=5em>
<mark> Highlight the text with a colored overlay. The overlay must be translucent (alpha less than 1) for the text to show through. Text <mark=#ffff00aa>can be marked with</mark> an overlay.
<mspace> Override a font’s character spacing and turn it into a monospace font. Any font can become <mspace=2.75em>monospace, if you really want it.
<nobr> Keep a segment of text together. You don't want <nobr>I M P O R T A N T</nobr> things to be broken up.
<noparse> Prevent parsing of rich text tags. Use <noparse><b></noparse> for <b>bold</b> text.
<pos> Set the horizontal caret position on the current line. Specify the horizontal position in pixels, font units, or percentages. at <pos=75%>75%
<rotate> Rotates each character about its center. Specify the amount of rotation in degrees. Positive values rotate characters counter-clockwise. Negative values rotate them clockwise.
Rotation affects the spacing between characters, and might cause characters to overlap in some cases. Use the <cspace> tag to correct character spacing as needed.
Rotate text <rotate="45">counter-clockwise</rotate>
<s> Render a line across the text. The <s>quick brown</s> fox
<size> Adjusts the font size. Specify the new size in pixels, font units, or percentage. Pixel adjustments can be absolute (such as 5px) or relative (such as +1 or -1). Relative sizes are based on the original font size, so they’re not cumulative. <size=100%>Echo <size=80%>Echo <size=60%>Echo <size=40%>Echo <size=20%>Echo
<smallcaps> Convert text to lowercase. <smallcaps>Alice and Bob watched TV.
<space> Add a horizontal offset between itself and the rest of the text. Specify the offset in pixels or font units. Give me some <space=5em> space
<sprite> Add a spriteA 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More info
See in Glossary
from a sprite asset into your text.
<sprite name="spriteName">
<strikethrough> Draws a line slightly above the baseline so it crosses out the text. <strikethrough> Some text
<style> Apply a custom style to the text. <style="H1">Styles</style>
<sub> Convert the text to subscript. We have 1m<sup>3</sup> of H<sub>2</sub>O.
<sup> Convert the test to superscript. We have 1m<sup>3</sup> of H<sub>2</sub>O.
<u> Underline the text. <u>The lazy dog</u>
<uppercase> Convert text to uppercase. <uppercase>Alice and Bob watched TV.</uppercase>
<voffset> Give the baseline a vertical offset. Specify the offset in pixels or font units. The offset is always relative to the original baseline. Up <voffset=1em>up <voffset=2em>UP</voffset> and <voffset=-0.5em>down</voffset> we go again.
<width> Change the horizontal size of text area. <width=60%>Those days are long gone</width>

Additional resources

Style text with rich text tags
Font assets
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