Version: 2022.2
Language : English
Documenting your package
Feature sets

Sharing your package

You can set up your own package registry server if you want to control package access to a limited number of users, or if you need to set up package registry servers in a closed network organization.

When you have finished developing your package and you want to share it with other users, you have several options:

Compressed file You can distribute a zip file to other Unity users. That way, they can decompress the zip file to a local folder on their own computer and install the package from disk.
Tarball You can distribute a tarball to other Unity users. That way, they can install the package from the local tarball directly.
Git URL You can distribute a link to your Git repository, using one of the supported protocols. Then users can install your package using its Git URL, because the Unity Package Manager can fetch packages from Git repository hosting services like GitHub and GitLab.
Scoped Registry You can set up a package registry server to host your package and then publish it to that registry using the npm publish command. Your package’s consumers can then set up a scoped registry configuration in their project to fetch your custom packages from your own package registry.

Unity Package Manager supports registries based on the npm protocol. Make sure that whatever registry server you choose implements the /-/v1/search or /-/all endpoints.

Warning: When you set up your own package registry server, make sure you use only those features that are compatible with Unity’s Scoped Registries. For example, Unity doesn’t support namespaces using the @scope notation that npm supports.

Most of the time, anonymous access within a local network is adequate to fulfill your security requirements. However, if you want more control over who accesses packages via scoped registries, you can enable npm authentication for specific users. Your package’s customers can then configure their scoped registries to use their npm authentication tokens.

Additional resources

  • Creating custom packages
  • Asset packagesA collection of files and data from Unity projects, or elements of projects, which are compressed and stored in one file, similar to Zip files, with the .unitypackage extension. Asset packages are a handy way of sharing and re-using Unity projects and collections of assets. More info
    See in Glossary
Documenting your package
Feature sets
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