Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
XR audio
XR API reference

Audio Spatializers

Audio spatializers use “physical” characteristics of a scene, such as the distance and angle between an AudioListener and an AudioSource, to modify the properties of sound transmitted to the user. Spatialization can improve the perception that a sound originates from a specific location in a scene.

The Unity audio engine supports spatialization through plug-ins built with the Unity Audio Spatializer SDK. Unity does not provide any built-in spatializer plug-ins itself, but several plug-in implementations are available in third-party 3D audio SDKs. These audio SDKs typically provide additional Unity components and tools for 3D audio.

The following is a non-comprehensive list of third-party audio SDKs that provide Unity audio spatialization plug-ins:

Maker 名前 Platforms Documentation
Microsoft Microsoft Spatializer Windows, Android
Oculus Oculus Spatializer Unity Windows, Android
Qualcomm Qualcomm 3D Audio Plugin for Unity Windows, Android
Steam Steam Audio Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android
Vive 3DSP Audio SDK Windows, Android
Google (now open source) Resonance Audio Android, iOS, Web

In some cases, spatializer plug-ins are included with the XR provider plug-in for an associated XR device. For example, the Oculus provider plug-in includes the OculusSpatializer plug-in and the Windows Mixed Reality feature group for OpenXR includes the MS HRTF Spatializer plug-in. Note that these provider plug-ins do not include any additional components that might be available in the full SDK packages from their maker.

Note: Although many spatializer plug-ins were developed for use with VR devices, their use is not limited to VR games or applications.

Enable an audio spatializer plug-in

After you have added the package containing an audio spatializer plug-in to your project, you can enable the plug-in in the project audio settings.

To enable a plug-in:

  1. Open the Project Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings).
  2. Select the Audio category.
  3. Choose the plug-in from the Spatializer Plugin dropdown menu.

XR audio
XR API reference
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