Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語
Polygon Collider 2D reference
Capsule Collider 2D

Edge Collider 2D

Edge Collider 2D コンポーネントは、2D 物理システムと相互作用するコライダーです。コライダーの形状は、線分で構成された自由形状のエッジ/辺で、スプライトやその他の形状に合わせて調整できます。コライダーの始点と終点は、Polygon Collider 2D とは異なり、領域を完全に取り囲む必要はなく、直線やその他の単一のエッジ形状を形成できます。

プロパティ 機能
Edit Collider Select Edit Collider to make the collider outline editable. See Editing in Edit Collider mode for the actions and shortcuts available when Edit Collider is enabled.
Material Select the Physics Material 2D that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and bounce.
Is Trigger Enable this if you want this Collider 2D to behave as a trigger. The physics system ignores this Collider when this is enabled.
Used by Effector Enable this if you want the Collider 2D to be used by an attached Effector 2D.
Offset Set the local offset values of the Collider 2D geometry.
Edge Radius Collider のエッジを囲む半径を形成する値を設定します。これにより、角が丸くなった凸型のCollider 2Dが大きくなります。デフォルト値は0(半径なし)です。
Points Expand to view read-only information about the complexity of the generated Collider.
Use Adjacent Start Point このプロパティを有効にすると、Edge Colliderのスタートポイントでコリジョンが発生したときに、 Adjacent Start Point を使用してコリジョンレスポンスを計算し、コリジョンノーマルを形成します。
Adjacent Start Point X/Y Set the x and y-coordinates of the Adjacent Start Point.
Use Adjacent End Point このプロパティを有効にすると、Edge Colliderのエンドポイントでコリジョンが発生した場合、 Adjacent End Point を使用してコリジョンレスポンスを計算し、コリジョンノーマルを形成します。
Adjacent End Point X/Y Set the x and y-coordinates of the Adjacent End Point.
Layer Overrides Expand for the Layer override settings.
Layer Override Priority Assign the decision priority that this Collider2D uses when resolving conflicting decisions on whether a contact between itself and another Collision2D should happen or not. Refer to its API page for more information.
Include Layers Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D should include when deciding if a contact with another Collider2D should happen or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Exclude Layers Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D should exclude when deciding if a contact with another Collider2D should happen or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Force Send Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D is allowed to send forces to during a Collision contact with another Collider2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Force Receive Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D can receive forces from during a Collision contact with another Collider2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Contract Capture Layers Select the Layers of other Collider 2D, involved in contacts with this Collider2D, that will be captured. Refer to its API documentation for more information.
Callback Layers Select the Layers that this Collider 2D, during a contact with another Collider2D, will report collision or trigger callbacks for. Refer to its API documentation for more information.

Editing in Edit Collider mode

The actions and shortcuts available when Edit Collider is enabled.

アクション 機能
Click and drag vertex or edge. 選択した頂点やエッジを別の位置に移動させます。
辺に沿って任意の場所をクリックします。 辺に沿って空いているスペースをクリックして、新しい頂点を作成します。
Hold the Ctrl(macOS:Cmd) key and select a vertex or edge. 選択した頂点やエッジを削除します。


Polygon Collider 2D reference
Capsule Collider 2D
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