Edge Collider 2D コンポーネントは、2D 物理システムと相互作用するコライダーです。コライダーの形状は、線分で構成された自由形状のエッジ/辺で、スプライトやその他の形状に合わせて調整できます。コライダーの始点と終点は、Polygon Collider 2D とは異なり、領域を完全に取り囲む必要はなく、直線やその他の単一のエッジ形状を形成できます。
プロパティ | 機能 | |
Edit Collider | Select Edit Collider ![]() |
Material | Select the Physics Material 2D that determines properties of collisions, such as friction and bounce. | |
Is Trigger | Enable this if you want this Collider 2D to behave as a trigger. The physics system ignores this Collider when this is enabled. | |
Used by Effector | Enable this if you want the Collider 2D to be used by an attached Effector 2D. | |
Offset | Set the local offset values of the Collider 2D geometry. | |
Edge Radius | Collider のエッジを囲む半径を形成する値を設定します。これにより、角が丸くなった凸型のCollider 2Dが大きくなります。デフォルト値は0(半径なし)です。 | |
Points | Expand to view read-only information about the complexity of the generated Collider. | |
Use Adjacent Start Point | このプロパティを有効にすると、Edge Colliderのスタートポイントでコリジョンが発生したときに、 Adjacent Start Point を使用してコリジョンレスポンスを計算し、コリジョンノーマルを形成します。 | |
Adjacent Start Point X/Y | Set the x and y-coordinates of the Adjacent Start Point. | |
Use Adjacent End Point | このプロパティを有効にすると、Edge Colliderのエンドポイントでコリジョンが発生した場合、 Adjacent End Point を使用してコリジョンレスポンスを計算し、コリジョンノーマルを形成します。 | |
Adjacent End Point X/Y | Set the x and y-coordinates of the Adjacent End Point. | |
Layer Overrides | Expand for the Layer override settings. | |
Layer Override Priority | Assign the decision priority that this Collider2D uses when resolving conflicting decisions on whether a contact between itself and another Collision2D should happen or not. Refer to its API page for more information. | |
Include Layers | Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D should include when deciding if a contact with another Collider2D should happen or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information. | |
Exclude Layers | Select the additional Layers that this Collider 2D should exclude when deciding if a contact with another Collider2D should happen or not. Refer to its API documentation for more information. | |
Force Send Layers | Select the Layers that this Collider 2D is allowed to send forces to during a Collision contact with another Collider2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information. | |
Force Receive Layers | Select the Layers that this Collider 2D can receive forces from during a Collision contact with another Collider2D. Refer to its API documentation for more information. | |
Contract Capture Layers | Select the Layers of other Collider 2D, involved in contacts with this Collider2D, that will be captured. Refer to its API documentation for more information. | |
Callback Layers | Select the Layers that this Collider 2D, during a contact with another Collider2D, will report collision or trigger callbacks for. Refer to its API documentation for more information. |
The actions and shortcuts available when Edit Collider is enabled.
アクション | 機能 |
Click and drag vertex or edge. | 選択した頂点やエッジを別の位置に移動させます。 |
辺に沿って任意の場所をクリックします。 | 辺に沿って空いているスペースをクリックして、新しい頂点を作成します。 |
Hold the Ctrl(macOS:Cmd) key and select a vertex or edge. | 選択した頂点やエッジを削除します。 |