Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public Color[] GetPixels();


Color[] An array that contains the pixel colors.


Gets the pixel color data for a mipmap level as Color structs.

This method gets pixel data from the texture in CPU memory. Texture.isReadable must be true.

The array contains the pixels row by row, starting at the bottom left of the texture. The size of the array is the width × height of the texture.

Each pixel is a Color struct.

A single call to GetPixels is usually faster than multiple calls to GetPixel, especially for large textures. If a lower-precision representation is acceptable, GetPixels32 is faster and uses less memory because it does not perform integer-to-float conversions.

If GetPixels fails, Unity throws an exception. GetPixels might fail if the array contains too much data.

Note: For depth data based WebCamTexture instances, this method returns an array of the depth values via Color.r property. See Also: WebCamTexture.isDepth.


public Color[] GetPixels(int x, int y, int blockWidth, int blockHeight);


x The starting x position of the section to fetch.
y The starting y position of the section to fetch.
blockWidth The width of the section to fetch.
blockHeight The height of the section to fetch.


Color[] An array that contains the pixel colors.


Gets the pixel color data for part of the texture as Color structs.

This version of GetPixels returns part of the texture instead of the whole texture.

Note: For depth data based WebCamTexture instances, this method returns an array of the depth values via Color.r property. See Also: WebCamTexture.isDepth.

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