Version: 2023.1
  • C#


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public static void MergePrefabInstance(GameObject instanceRoot);


instanceRoot Root of Prefab instance to update.


Forces a Prefab instance to merge with changes from the Prefab Asset.

Unity will in most cases handle re-merging of the Prefab instance when you make changes in the Editor or via scripting. However, as shown in the example below, there are some rare cases where editing a Prefab instance from script requires you to force merge the instance to get immediate updates.

If you do not call MergePrefabInstance in those rare cases the re-merge will happen automatically at the end of the current frame, but if you need the changes reflected immediately in your script you have to force the merge.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// This example shows how to use PrefabUtility.MergePrefabInstance to force update an instance after some changes

public class SuppressedComponentExample { public static void MergePrefabInstanceExample() { var instance = new GameObject("MyPrefabInstance"); const string path = "Assets/MyPrefab.prefab"; var prefab = PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(instance, path, InteractionMode.AutomatedAction);

// Add Component to instance var component = instance.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();

// Add same type of component to the Prefab asset using (var scope = new PrefabUtility.EditPrefabContentsScope(path)) { scope.prefabContentsRoot.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); }

// Because a Rigidbody already exists on the Prefab instance the one from the asset will be suppressed // we can get the suppressor and verify this var suppressor = instance.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); Debug.Log($"Is component part of the Prefab instance: {PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(suppressor)}");

// Destroy the suppressor to make the suppressed object return to glory Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(suppressor); PrefabUtility.MergePrefabInstance(instance);

// Now we will get the former suppressed component and verify that it is actually part of the prefab var formerSuppressed = instance.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); Debug.Log($"Is component part of the Prefab instance: {PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabInstance(formerSuppressed)}"); } }
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