Version: 2021.1
Getting Search help
Searching for files

Using the calculator

The Calculator Search Provider computes expressions directly in Search. Enter any expression that is valid in a numerical text field in Unity, and Search displays the result in the results area.

NOTE: This is a special search. You must use its search token to execute it. You cannot make it an active Search Provider, or combine it with other Search Providers.

Search token: = (equals sign)

Default action: Logs the result of the expression to the console, and copies it to the clipboard.

Context menu actions:

Action: 功能:
Exec Logs the result of the expression to the console, and copies it to the clipboard.

Note: To query this provider you need to explicitly add = to the query.

Supported operators + - * / % ^ ( ) Example:
=42/34 + (56 % 6)

=23 * 9 ^ 3

Calculator Search Provider

Getting Search help
Searching for files
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