Version: 2019.2
GPU 프로파일러
UI 프로파일러

전역 조명 프로파일러

전역 조명 프로파일러는 통계와 모든 워커 스레드(worker thread)에 걸쳐 실시간 전역 조명(GI) 서브시스템이 소모하는 CPU 시간을 표시합니다. GI는 Unity에서 Enlighten이라는 미들웨어로 관리됩니다. 자세한 내용은 전역 조명 문서를 참조하십시오.

Name Description
Total CPU Time Total Enlighten CPU time across all threads.
Probe Update Time Time spent updating Light Probes.
Setup Time Time spent in the Setup stage.
Environment Time Time spent processing Environment lighting.
Input Lighting Time Time spent processing input lighting.
Systems Time Time spent updating Systems.
Solve Tasks Time Time spent running radiosity solver tasks.
Dynamic Objects Time Time spent updating Dynamic GameObjects.
Time Between Updates Time between Global Illumination updates.
Other Commands Time Time spent processing other commands.
Blocked Command Write Time Time spent in blocked state, waiting for command buffer.
Blocked Buffer Writes Number of writes to the command buffer that were blocking.
Total Light Probes Total number of Light Probes in the Scene.
Solved Light Probes Number of solved Light Probes since the last update.
Probe Sets Number of Light Probe sets in the Scene.
Systems Number of Enlighten Systems in the Scene.
Pending Material GPU Renders Number of Albedo/Emission renders queued for rendering on the GPU.
Pending Material Updates Number of Material updates waiting to get processed.

  • 2017–08–30

  • 2018.2의 새로운 기능 NewIn20182

GPU 프로파일러
UI 프로파일러
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