Version: 2023.2
  • C#


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An assembly that contains API to modify Android Gradle Project files.


AaptOptionsA C# definition of the aaptOptions element in a gradle file.
ActionThe C# definition of the <action> Android Manifest element.
ActivityThe C# definition of the <activity> Android Manifest element.
ActivityAliasThe C# definition of the <activity-alias> Android Manifest element.
AfterEvaluateThe C# definition of the AfterEvaluate element in a gradle file.
AllProjectsThe C# definition of the allprojects element in a gradle file.
AndroidThe C# definition of the android element in a gradle file.
AndroidComponentsThe C# definition of the androidComponents element in a gradle file.
AndroidManifestFileA definition of Android Manifest file. Contains XML prolog and root Manifest element.
ApplicationThe C# definition of the <application> Android Manifest element.
ApplyPluginListAn element that holds a list of plugins to be applied in a gradle file.
AttributeBooleanAn attribute that represents a bool value.
AttributeEnumArray<T0>An attribute that represents an Enum[] value.
AttributeEnumString<T0>An attribute that represents an Enum value.
AttributeFloatAn attribute that represents a float value.
AttributeIntegerAn attribute that represents an integer value.
AttributeStringAn attribute that represents a string value.
AttributeStringArrayAn attribute that represents a string[] value.
AttributeUnitAn attribute that represents an integer value with Unit type.
BaseAttributeAbstract base class for all existing Androuid manifest attributes.
BaseAttributesContainerThe base attributes container for all elements.
BaseBlockAbstract base class for all existing block elements.
BaseElementAbstract base class for all existing gradle file elements.
BaseElementAbstract base class for all existing Android manifest elements.
BaseGradleFileBase abstract class for all gradle files. This class does not provide any public methods.
BasePropertyAbstract base class for all existing property elements.
BlockA custom block. Can be used to create any custom named block with child elements.
BuildscriptThe C# definition of the buildscript element in a gradle file.
BuildTypeThe C# definition of the buildTypes child element in a gradle file.
BuildTypesThe C# definition of the buildTypes element in a gradle file.
BundleThe C# definition of the bundle element in a gradle file.
BundleElementA class to define elements inside bundle block.
CategoryThe C# definition of the <category> Android Manifest element.
CompatibleScreensThe C# definition of the <compatible-screens> Android Manifest element.
CompileOptionsThe C# definition of the compileOptions element in a gradle file.
DataThe C# definition of the <data> Android Manifest element.
DependenciesThe C# definition of the dependencies element in a gradle file.
DependencyResolutionManagementThe C# definition of the dependencyResolutionManagement element in a gradle file.
ElementAn empty element that can be set to any string.
ElementsList<T0>A list of Android manifest elements.
ExternalNativeBuildThe C# definition of the externalNativeBuild element in a gradle file.
FlavorThe C# definition of the productFlavor type.
GradlePluginDefinition of a dependency gradle plugin.
GradlePropertiesFileThe C# definition of file.
GradleSettingsFileThe C# definition of settings.gradle file.
GrantUriPermissionThe C# definition of the <grant-uri-permission> Android Manifest element.
IncludeListThe C# definition of a list of include element in a gradle file.
InstrumentationThe C# definition of the <instrumentation> Android Manifest element.
IntentThe C# definition of the <intent> Android Manifest element.
IntentFilterThe C# definition of the <intent-filter> Android Manifest element.
LayoutThe C# definition of the <layout> Android Manifest element.
LintOptionsThe C# definition of the lintOptions element in a gradle file.
LocalPropertiesFileThe C# definition of file.
ManifestThe C# definition of the <manifest> Android Manifest element.
MetaDataThe C# definition of the <meta-data> Android Manifest element.
ModuleBuildGradleFileThe C# definition of module-level gradle file.
NativeBuildOptionThe C# definition of externalNativeBuild build options in a gradle file.
NdkThe C# definition of the Ndk element in a gradle file.
PackageThe C# definition of the <package> Android Manifest element.
PackagingOptionsThe C# definition of the packagingOptions element in a gradle file.
PathPermissionThe C# definition of the <path-permission> Android Manifest element.
PermissionThe C# definition of the <permission> Android Manifest element.
PermissionGroupThe C# definition of the <permission-group> Android Manifest element.
PermissionTreeThe C# definition of the <permission-tree> Android Manifest element.
PluginManagementThe C# definition of the pluginManagement element in a settings.gradle file.
PluginsThe C# definition of the plugins element in a gradle file.
ProductFlavorsThe C# definition of acustom productFlavor element in a gradle file.
ProfileableThe C# definition of the <profileable> Android Manifest element.
ProjectLevelBuildGradleFileThe C# definition of the prpject-level (top-level) file.
Property<T0>Base class for all properties in gradle files.
PropertyBooleanBoolean property type.
PropertyEnum<T0>Generic Enum property type.
PropertyStringString property type.
PropertyStringArrayString array property type.
PropertyUnsignedIntegerUnsigned integer property type.
ProviderThe C# definition of the <provider> Android Manifest element.
QueriesThe C# definition of the <queries> Android Manifest element.
ReceiverThe C# definition of the <receiver> Android Manifest element.
RepositoriesThe C# definition of the repositories element in a gradle file.
ScreenThe C# definition of the <screen> Android Manifest element.
ServiceThe C# definition of the <service> Android Manifest element.
SigningConfigThe C# definition of the signingConfigs child elements in a gradle file.
SigningConfigsThe C# definition of the signingConfigs element in a gradle file. This element is a block and contains signingConfig elements.
SupportsGlTextureThe C# definition of the <supports-gl-texture> Android Manifest element.
SupportsScreensThe C# definition of the <supports-screens> Android Manifest element.
UsesConfigurationThe C# definition of the <uses-configuration> Android Manifest element.
UsesFeatureThe C# definition of the <uses-feature> Android Manifest element.
UsesLibraryThe C# definition of the <uses-library> Android Manifest element.
UsesNativeLibraryThe C# definition of the <uses-native-library> Android Manifest element.
UsesPermissionThe C# definition of the <uses-permission> Android Manifest element.
UsesPermissionSdk23The C# definition of the <uses-permission-sdk-23> Android Manifest element.
UsesSdkThe C# definition of the <uses-sdk> Android Manifest element.
XmlPrologThe C# definition of the <xml> Android Manifest element.


AssignTypeAn assign type for property elements.
ColorModeMirrors the ColorMode enum.
ConfigChangesMirrors the ConfigChanges enum.
DocumentLaunchModeMirrors the DocumentLaunchMode enum.
ForegroundServiceTypeMirrors the ForegroundServiceType enum.
GravityMirrors the Gravity enum.
GwpAsanModeMirrors the GwpAsanMode enum.
InstallLocationMirrors the InstallLocation enum.
JavaVersionThe C# definition of the JavaVersion element in a gradle file.
LaunchModeMirrors the LaunchMode enum.
LockTaskModeMirrors the LockTaskMode enum.
PersistableModeMirrors the PersistableMode enum.
ProtectionLevelMirrors the ProtectionLevel enum.
RepositoriesModeThe repository mode configures how repositories are setup in the build.
ReqKeyboardTypeMirrors the ReqKeyboardType enum.
ReqNavigationMirrors the ReqNavigation enum.
ReqTouchScreenMirrors the ReqTouchScreen enum.
ScreenDensityMirrors the ScreenDensity enum.
ScreenOrientationMirrors the ScreenOrientation enum.
ScreenSizeMirrors the ScreenSize enum.
StandaloneMirrors the Standalone enum.
TargetSandboxVersionMirrors the TargetSandboxVersion enum.
ToolsNodeMirrors the ToolsNode enum.
UIOptionsMirrors the UIOptions enum.
UnitEnum value of possible unit types for the attribute.
WindowSoftInputModeMirrors the WindowSoftInputMode enum.
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