
class in UnityEditor


Allows to control the lightmapping job.

Before starting the job the bake settings can be set via LightingSettings.

See Also: LightingSettings.

Static Properties

bakedGIThis property is now obsolete. Use LightingSettings.bakedGI.
buildProgressReturns the current lightmapping build progress or 0 if Lightmapping.isRunning is false.
isRunningReturns true when the bake job is running, false otherwise (Read Only).
lightingDataAssetThe lighting data asset used by the active Scene.
lightingSettingsThe LightingSettings that will be used for the current Scene. Will throw an exception if it is null.
lightingSettingsDefaultsDefault LightingSettings that Unity uses for Scenes where lightingSettings is not assigned. (Read only)
realtimeGIThis property is now obsolete. Use LightingSettings.realtimeGI.

Static Methods

BakeStarts a synchronous bake job.
BakeAsyncStarts an asynchronous bake job.
BakeMultipleScenesBakes an array of Scenes.
BakeReflectionProbeStarts a synchronous bake job for the probe.
CancelCancels the currently running asynchronous bake job.
ClearDeletes all runtime data for the currently loaded Scenes.
ClearDiskCacheClears the cache used by lightmaps, reflection probes and default reflection.
ClearLightingDataAssetFor the currently loaded Scenes, this method deletes the Lighting Data Asset and any linked lightmaps and Reflection Probe assets.
GetLightingSettingsForSceneGets the LightingSettings object of a Scene object.
GetTerrainGIChunksGet how many chunks the terrain is divided into for GI baking.
SetLightingSettingsForSceneApplies the settings specified in the LightingSettings object to the Scene object.
SetLightingSettingsForScenesApplies the settings specified in the LightingSettings object to an array of Scene objects.
TetrahedralizeCalculates tetrahderons from positions using Delaunay Tetrahedralization.
TryGetLightingSettingsFetches the Lighting Settings for the current Scene. Will return false if it is null.


bakeCompletedEvent which is called when bake job is completed. Only called when LightingSettings.autoGenerate is set to false.
bakeStartedEvent which is called when a bake is started. Only called when LightingSettings.autoGenerate is set to false.
lightingDataAssetClearedEvent which is called when a LightingData asset is removed from the project.
lightingDataClearedEvent which is called when baked Global Illumination data is cleared from the scene and from renderers.
lightingDataUpdatedEvent which is called when any lighting data is updated as part of the GI backing process.
startedDelegate which is called when bake job is started.


OnCompletedFunctionDelegate used by Lightmapping.completed callback.
OnStartedFunctionDelegate used by Lightmapping.started callback.

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