Module that contains a high-performance hierarchy container.
Hierarchy | Represents a tree-like container of nodes. |
HierarchyCommandList | Represents a list of commands that modify a hierarchy. |
HierarchyFlattened | Represents a read-only array of HierarchyFlattenedNode over a Hierarchy. Used as an acceleration structure for query purposes. |
HierarchyNodeTypeHandlerBase | Provides a base class for hierarchy node type handlers. |
HierarchySearchQueryDescriptor | Encapsulates all the query filters and text values that are used to filter a hierarchy. |
HierarchyViewModel | A hierarchy view model is a read-only filtering view of a HierarchyFlattened. |
HierarchyFlattenedNode | Represents a flattened hierarchy node. |
HierarchyNode | Represents a hierarchy node. |
HierarchyNodeType | Type descriptor for a node in Hierarchy. Corresponds to the NodeType of the HierarchyNodeHandler. |
HierarchyPropertyDescriptor | Describes the type and size of a Hierarchy Property. |
HierarchyPropertyId | Represents a hierarchy property ID. |
HierarchyPropertyString | Provides access to string property data. |
HierarchyPropertyUnmanaged<T0> | Provides strongly typed access to unmanaged property data. |
HierarchySearchFilter | Encapsulates all data needed to filter a hierarchy. |
HierarchyPropertyStorageType | Describes how property values of a specific property are stored in memory. |
HierarchySearchFilterOperator | Represents options for search filter operators. A colon (:) is the "contains" operator. A "-" is a "not" operator. |