Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語

C# コンパイラー

Unity プロジェクトで C# ソース コードをコンパイルするために、Unity エディターは C# コンパイラーを使用します。

C# コンパイラー C# 言語バージョン
Roslyn C# 9.0

The Editor passes a default set of options to the C# compiler. To pass additional options in your project, see the documentation on Platform Dependent Compilation.


C# 9.0

  • Suppress emitting localsinit flag
  • Covariant return types
  • Module Initializers
  • Extensible calling conventions for unmanaged function pointers

If you try to use unsupported features in your project, compilation generates errors.

Unmanaged function pointer support

Unity supports unmanaged functions pointers as introduced in C# 9, but it doesn’t support extensible calling conventions. The following example code provides more detailed information about how to correctly use unmanaged function pointers.

The following example targets Windows platforms and requires the Allow ‘unsafe’ code to be enabled in the Player Settings menu. For more information about C#’s unsafe context, see Microsoft’s unsafe (C# Reference) documentation or Microsoft’s Unsafe code, pointer types, and function pointers documentation.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;

public class UnmanagedFunctionPointers : MonoBehaviour
  static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpLibFileName);
  static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string lpProcName);
  // You must enable "Allow 'unsafe' code" in the Player Settings
  unsafe void Start()
    // This example is only valid on Windows
    // Get a pointer to an unmanaged function
    IntPtr kernel32 = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
    IntPtr getCurrentThreadId = GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetCurrentThreadId");

    // The unmanaged calling convention
    delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<UInt32> getCurrentThreadIdUnmanagedStdcall = (delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<UInt32>)getCurrentThreadId;

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