Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語
iOS Player 設定
Unity Remote

Deep linking on iOS

Deep links are URL links outside of your application that direct users to a location in your application. When the user clicks a deep link for an application, the operating system opens the Unity application at a specified place (for example, a specific scene). For more information about deep links and how to use them, see Deep links.

Enabling deep linking for iOS applications

Before you can process deep links, you need to configure your application to react to them. This section contains instructions on how set up deep links for iOS.

There are two ways to enable deep linking for iOS applications: URL schemes and universal links.

URL スキーム

A URL scheme specifies a link structure that your iOS application reacts to. If the device processes a deep link that matches this structure, the device opens your application. To add a URL scheme:

  1. Open the iOS Player Settings window (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Player Settings, then select iOS).
  2. Other を選択し、下にスクロールして Configuration を表示します。
  3. Expand the Supported URL schemes section and, in the Element 0 field, enter the URL scheme to associate with your application. For example, unitydl.

Your iOS application now opens when the device processes any link that starts with unitydl://.


For information on how to enable universal links, see Apple’s documentation on Allowing Apps and Websites to Link to Your Content.

Using deep linking on iOS

After you enable deep links for iOS, the way that you use them is platform-agnostic. For information on how to handle deep links when your application opens, see Using deep links.

iOS Player 設定
Unity Remote
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