

public static SceneManagement.Scene OpenScene(string scenePath, SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode mode = OpenSceneMode.Single);


scenePath The path of the Scene. This should be relative to the Project folder; for example, "Assets/MyScenes/MyScene.unity".
mode Allows you to select how to open the specified Scene, and whether to keep existing Scenes in the Hierarchy. See OpenSceneMode for more information about the options.


Scene A reference to the opened Scene.


Open a Scene in the Editor.

Use this function to open Scenes in the Hierarchy while in the Editor, for example for making custom Editor scripts, tools, or menu items. Do not use it for loading Scenes at run time. To load Scenes at run time, see SceneManager.LoadScene.

If the function fails for any reason (for example, because of a wrong file path), it will throw an ArgumentException.

//Create a new folder (Right click in the Assets folder, Create>Folder) and name it “Editor” if one doesn’t already exist
//Put this script in the folder

//This script creates a new menu (Examples) and item (Open Scene). If you choose this item in the Editor, the EditorSceneManager opens the Scene at the given directory (In this case, the “Scene2” Scene is located in the Assets folder). This allows you to open Scenes while still working with the Editor.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Create a new drop-down menu in Editor named "Examples" and a new option called "Open Scene" [MenuItem("Examples/Open Scene")] static void OpenScene() { //Open the Scene in the Editor (do not enter Play Mode) EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("Assets/Scene2.unity"); } }

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