Version: 2018.4
The Look Dev view
Settings menu

Control panel

The Control Panel gathers all the most commonly used settings in the Look Dev Views menu, for easy and fast access.

Control Panel
Control Panel

Split-screen and Zone modes

In Split-screen and Zone mode, all properties are synchronized between the two views by default. Use the lock button (highlighted in the image below) to make a property independent and applied only to the selected view (indicated by the blue or orange border around the border of the view).

Control Panel with the lock button highlighted
Control Panel with the lock button highlighted

Properties in the Control Panel that only apply to one window are highlighted in the color of the selected view for further clarity.

Here, the Environment setting applies to the orange highlighted window only
Here, the Environment setting applies to the orange highlighted window only
Here, the Environment setting applies to the blue highlighted window only
Here, the Environment setting applies to the blue highlighted window only
The Look Dev view
Settings menu
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