Version: 2018.4
Unity Analytics and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology

Unity Analytics DataPrivacy API

The DataPrivacy class configures the Unity AnalyticsSee Analytics More info
See in Glossary
service based on the player’s data privacy management choices.

NAMESPACE: UnityEngine.Analytics

    public class DataPrivacy

The DataPrivacy class automatically fetches the player’s data privacy status and configures the AnalyticsA data platform that provides analytics for your Unity game. More info
See in Glossary
service accordingly.

Use the FetchPrivacyUrl() function to fetch the the URL of the player’s personal data management page. Open the URL to give the player the option to manage their data privacy settings.

This page details the following functions:


Prepares the Data Privacy API for use.


    public static void Initialize()


This function creates a hidden GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
See in Glossary
and adds an instance of the DataPrivacy class to it as a component.

On Unity 5.1 or earlier, call Initialize() early in your application startup (ideally, right after you call UnityAnalytics.StartSDK (projectId). Newer versions of Unity call Initialize() automatically.

FetchPrivacyUrl(Action<String>, Action<String>)

Gets the URL of the player’s personal data management page.


    public static void FetchPrivacyUrl(Action<string> success, Action<string> failure = null)


  • Action<String> success — The Action object to invoke when the URL is successfully retrieved. The string passed to the Action contains the URL.

  • [optional] Action<String> failure — The Action object to invoke when Unity cannot retrieve the URL. The string passed to the Action contains the reason for the failure.


Open the URL passed to your success function in a browser or webview to give the player the opportunity to manage their data protection options. You can use Application.OpenURL() to open the page.

The URL is valid for a short period of time. Always fetch the URL immediately before opening it.

  • 2018–11–05 Page published

  • Removed Editor menu command for inserting the Data Privacy button. Added the Data Privacy Button prefab.

  • New feature in Unity 2018.1.

  • Removed FetchOptOutStatus function in 2018.3.

Unity Analytics and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology
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