Version: 2019.3
Unity での VR 開発入門

Unity での AR 開発入門

To get started with AR development, Unity recommends using the AR Foundation package to create your app once and deploy across ARKit, ARCore, Magic Leap, and/or HoloLens 1 & 2 devices. Additionally, use the XR Management package to load and manage your target platform SDKs.

Here are the relevant AR packages to download:

Package name Latest version 説明
AR Foundation 2.2 AR Foundation is a multi-platform API that allows you to deploy across handheld and wearable AR devices, including ARKit, ARCore, Magic Leap, and HoloLens 1 & 2 devices.
AR Subsystems 2.1 This package provides an interface for various Unity subsystems, such as raycasting, camera, and face tracking. These subsystems are implemented in these platform-specific AR packages:
* ARKit XR Plugin
* ARCore XR Plugin
ARCore XR Plugin 2.1 This package enables ARCore support via Unity’s multi-platform XR API.
ARKit XR Plugin 2.1 This package enables ARKit support via Unity’s multi-platform XR API.
ARKit Face Tracking 1.0 This package provides face tracking support to augment the ARKit XR Plugin.
Magic Leap XR Plugin 4.0 This package enables Magic Leap support via Unity’s multi-platform XR API.
Windows XR Plugin 2.0 This package enables Windows MR support via Unity’s multi-platform XR API.
XR Interaction Toolkit 0.0.9 This package enables common AR/VR interactions across all of our supported platforms, without the need to write code.
XR Legacy Input Helpers 2.0 This package contains a number of useful helpers for building XR Projects, including the Tracked Pose Driver.
XR Management 3.0 This package helps load and manage your target platform SDKs through Unity’s Unified Settings system.
Unity での VR 開発入門
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