Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
Dedicated Server optimizations
Dedicated Server AssetBundles

Build your application for Dedicated Server

You can create a Dedicated Server build through either of the following ways:

Unity Editor

To create a Dedicated Server build through the Unity Editor:

  1. From the Unity Editor, select File > Build Settings.
  2. Select Dedicated Server.
Add Dedicated Server Build Support module
Add Dedicated Server Build Support module

Tip: You can further configure the Dedicated Server build through the Player settings.


To create a Dedicated Server build through a script:

Set buildPlayerOptions.subtarget to (int)StandaloneBuildSubtarget.Server. For example, refer to the following code snippet. = BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows;
// SubTarget expects an integer.
buildPlayerOptions.subtarget = (int)StandaloneBuildSubtarget.Server;

Refer to Creating and Using Scripts to learn more.

Command line

To create a Dedicated Server build through the command line, use the -standaloneBuildSubtarget Server argument. For example, refer to the following code snippet.

-buildTarget Linux64 -standaloneBuildSubtarget Server
Dedicated Server optimizations
Dedicated Server AssetBundles
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