Version: 2023.1
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Search query operators

Most Search Providers use a QueryEngine (Scene, Asset, Objects and Resource providers) to parse and resolve their queries. They support a basic set of Query Operators that allow for more complex queries using Boolean operators and parentheses grouping. The table on this page lists the supported Query Operators.

Case sensitivity: Most Search queries ignore case. For example, Stone or stone or sToNe will yield the same results.

Filter Search token Description
Basic search <any partial name> main
Searches matching the word Main
And and Main and t:camera
Search where name contains Main and is of type name containing camera

t:texture and jpg
Searches all of type texture containing jpg in their filename.

Note: Since and is the default operator of the QueryEngine the last query is equivalent to:
t:texture jpg
or or Player or Monster
Searches containing the word Player or Monster.
Group (<group content>) t:Character and (status=Poison or status=Stunned)
Searches for a Character component where the value of status property is either Poison or Stunned.
Exclusion -<Expression to exclude> p: dep:door -t:Scene
Searches all Assets with a dependency on an Asset containing the word door and that are not of type Scene.

p: dep:door -stone
Searches all Assets with a dependency on an Asset containing the word door and that do not contain the word stone.
Exact Operator !<something> Most of the string matching in Search returns partial matches. Use the ! operator to return exact matches.

p: stone
Searches all Assets containing the word stone (stone_hammer.png, stone_door.prefab).

p: !stone
Searches all Assets with the exact name stone (e.g.: stone.png)
Partial Value match (:) property:<partial value> ref:aster
Because : is used, searches all Assets having an Asset containing the word aster (ex: asteroid2, asteroids) as a dependency.
Exact Value (=) property=exactValue ref=asteroid
Because = is used, searches all Assets having an Asset with the exact name asteroid as a dependency.
> property>number t:texture size>256
Searches all textures with a size bigger than 256 bytes.
< property<number t:texture size<256
Searches all textures with a size smaller than 256 bytes.
!= property!=number t:texture size!=256
Searches all textures with a size different than 256 bytes.
>= property>=number t:texture size>=256
Searches all textures with a size bigger or equal than 256 bytes.
<= property>number t:texture size<=256
Searches all textures with a size smaller or equal than 256 bytes.

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