Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語
NavMesh Obstacle の作成
Building OffMesh Links Automatically

Creating an OffMesh Link

OffMesh Links are used to create paths crossing outside the walkable navigation mesh surface. For example, jumping over a ditch or a fence, or opening a door before walking through it, can be all described as OffMesh links.

We’re going to add an OffMesh Link component to describe a jump from the upper platform to the ground.

  1. まず 2 つのシリンダー を作成します: Game Object > 3D Object > cylinder
  2. やりやすくするためにシリンダーの大きさを (0.1, 0.5, 0.1) にします。
  3. NavMesh の表面近くの 高台の端に 1 つ目のシリンダー を移動します。
  4. Place the second cylinder on the ground, close to the NavMesh, at the location where the link should land. <<<<<<< HEAD
  5. Select the first cylinder cylinder and add an Off-Mesh Link component to it. Choose Add Component from the inspector and choose Navigation > Off Mesh Link.
  6. Assign the first cylinder in the Start field and the second cylinder in the End field.

Now you have a functioning Off-Mesh Link set up! If the path via the off-mesh link is shorter than via walking along the Navmesh, the off-mesh link will be used.

  1. Select the cylinder on the left and add an OffMesh Link component to it. Choose Add Component from the inspector and choose Navigation > Off Mesh Link.
  2. Start フィールドに左側(高台)のシリンダーを、End フィールドに右側(地面)のシリンダーを割り当てます。

Now you have functioning OffMesh Link set up! If the path via the OffMesh link is shorter than via walking along the Navmesh, the OffMesh link will be used.

f4ca9bd84952 (navigation docs cleanup replace Off-mesh with OffMesh)

You can use any game object in the scene to hold the OffMesh link component, for example a fence prefab could contain the OffMesh link component. Similarly you can use any game object with a Transform as the start and end marker.

The NavMesh bake process can detect and create common jump-across and drop-down links automatically. Take a look at the Building OffMesh Links Automatically for more details.

Additional resources

NavMesh Obstacle の作成
Building OffMesh Links Automatically
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