Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
Unity で複数のシーンを使用する

Set up multiple scenes


新しいシーンを作成するには、シーンの作成、ロード、保存 を参照してください。


To add a new scene to your project, do one of the following:

  • Project ウィンドウのシーンアセットのメニューを右クリックで開き、Open Scene Additive を選択します。
  • Project ウィンドウから 1 つまたは複数のシーンを Hierarchy ウィンドウにドラッグします。


The Hierarchy window displays all the scenes that are part of your project:

複数のシーンが追加された Hierarchy ウィンドウ。
複数のシーンが追加された Hierarchy ウィンドウ。

A: Scenes with unsaved changes have an asterisk by the scene name.
B: The scene More menu allows you to perform actions on the scene.
C: The scene divider (an inverted triangle) lets you collapse a scene and hide its contents from the Hierarchy to better manage multiple scenes.

Tip: To add a scene to the Hierarchy window without loading it, press Alt (macOS: press Option) and drag the scene into the Hierarchy window. This lets you load the scene when it’s convenient for you.

ロードしたシーンのその他メニュー (⋮)

You can interact with and edit a loaded scene in several ways.

The More menu for a loaded scene.
The More menu for a loaded scene.
設定 説明
Set Active Scene Sets the scene as the target for new GameObjects created through scripts. For more information, see SceneManager.SetActiveScene.
Save Scene Saves the scene that you selected.
Save Scene As Opens your file browser so you can choose where and how to save the scene.
Save All Saves all the scenes you have open in the Hierarchy window.
Unload Scene Hides the contents of the scene from the Scene view and the Hierarchy window. If you have unsaved changes, save them before you unload the scene to not lose any changes.
Remove Scene Removes the scene from the Hierarchy window.
Discard changes Undoes any changes that you haven’t saved.
Select Scene Asset Highlights the scene asset in the Project window.
Add New Scene Adds a new untitled scene below the scene you have selected.
GameObject Opens a dropdown menu of GameObjects that you can add to the scene you have selected.

アンロードしたシーンのその他メニュー (⋮)

You can interact with and edit an unloaded scene in fewer ways than you can a loaded scene.

The More menu for an unloaded scene.
The More menu for an unloaded scene.
設定 説明
Load Scene Displays the contents of the scene in the Hierarchy window and the Scene view, and allows you to edit them.
Remove Scene Removes the scene from the Hierarchy window.
Select Scene Asset Highlights the scene asset in the Project window.
Add New Scene Adds a new untitled scene below the scene you have selected.


When you are in Play mode and have multiple scenes in the Hierarchy window, the Editor displays an additional scene called DontDestroyOnLoad. You can’t access the DontDestroyOnLoad scene and it’s also not available at runtime.



Each scene manages its own settings, so only settings associated with that scene save to the scene file.

To change the settings of a specific scene, either open that specific scene and change the settings, or set the scene as the active scene then change the settings. Otherwise, if you have multiple scenes open, Unity uses the rendering and NavMesh settings from the active scene.

エディターやランタイムで新しいアクティブなシーンに切り替えると、Unity は以前の設定をすべて新しいアクティブなシーンの設定に置き換えます。


Unity で複数のシーンを使用する
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