Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
Style UI with UI Builder
Test UI

Assign USS variables in UI Builder

USS variables define values that you can reuse in other USS rules. USS variables are primarily used for themes, with the default Unity themes exposing a long list of standard variables to make your UI more consistent with standard controls.

You can’t create USS variables with UI Builder. You must use a text editor to create a new USS variable in the USS file.

You can assign a USS variable that’s in the current theme or any assigned StyleSheets to the current UI Document (UXML) to a style property in UI Builder. When you work on an Editor UI, make sure to enable Editor Extension Authoring to see all available Editor variables.

To assign a variable:

  1. In the StyleSheet window, select the selector.

  2. In the Inspector window, right-click a style field.

  3. Select Set Variable. This converts the style field into a text field.

  4. Enter the name of the USS variable. As you type the name of the variable, a dropdown list displays the available variables.


    You can also select a variable from the dropdown list, and see its current value and the StyleSheet asset it’s coming from. Pressing Enter sets the variable and reverts the style field back to its original type.

    Tip: For style fields that are already text fields, you can also assign a variable by starting to type -- instead of a number.

필드 레이블이 상자 안에 있는지 살펴보아 이미 변수가 할당된 스타일 필드를 확인할 수 있습니다.


To remove a variable assignment, right-click a style field and select Remove Variable.

Note: Any inline styles set on a style property will override the USS variables.

추가 리소스

Style UI with UI Builder
Test UI
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