Native audio plug-in SDK
Customize the GUI for your audio plug-in

Develop a native DSP audio plug-in

You can use the native Digital Signal Processing (DSP) plug-inA set of code created outside of Unity that creates functionality in Unity. There are two kinds of plug-ins you can use in Unity: Managed plug-ins (managed .NET assemblies created with tools like Visual Studio) and Native plug-ins (platform-specific native code libraries). More info
See in Glossary
to process audio and expose parameters for a user to experiment with audio effectsAny effect that can modify the output of Audio Mixer components, such as filtering frequency ranges of a sound or applying reverb. More info
See in Glossary
. The example plug-ins that Unity provides are a good place to experiment with plug-ins and to get ideas about parameters you need.

To develop a native audio plug-in for Unity:

  1. Create an audio plug-in file.

  2. Define your parameters in your plug-in file.

  3. Instantiate your plug-in.

  4. Unload your plug-in.

  5. Handle the audio processing of your plug-in.

1. Create an audio plug-in file

To create an audio plug-in file:

  1. Download the latest audio plug-in SDK.

  2. In the folder, go to NativeAudioPlugins > NativeCode. The native example plug-in .cpp files are located here.

  3. You can duplicate one of the plug-in .cpp files so you can use it as a template for your own plug-in, work directly in one of the example plug-in files (for example, Plugin_Equalizer.cpp), or create your own .cpp file.

  4. Include AudioPluginUtil.h in your file if it’s not already there.

2. Define your parameters in your audio plug-in file

Create a list of parameters that would be useful for your user to interact with when they use your plug-in. To add your parameters to your plug-in:

  1. In your plug-in .cpp file, define your parameters as enum values. For example:

    enum Param
        P_FREQ, //Frequency parameter
        P_MIX,  //Mix parameter
        P_NUM   //An extra value to keep track of length of the enum
  2. Create an array of UnityAudioParameterDefinitions and set its size to be the number of parameters you have:

    int numparams = P_NUM;
    definition.paramdefs = new UnityAudioParameterDefinition [numparams];
  3. Use the RegisterParameter function to register each of your enum values.

    int InternalRegisterEffectDefinition(UnityAudioEffectDefinition& definition)
                int numparams = P_NUM;
            definition.paramdefs = new  UnityAudioParameterDefinition [numparams];
            RegisterParameter(definition, "Frequency", "Hz",
                0.0f, kMaxSampleRate, 1000.0f,
                1.0f, 3.0f,
            RegisterParameter(definition, "Mix amount", "%",
                0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f,
                100.0f, 1.0f,
            return numparams;

The following table gives an overview of the RegisterParameter function, its parameters, and how it’s used in the code example above:

Parameter type and name Variable in example code Description
UnityAudioEffectDefinition definition definition The UnityAudioEffectDefinition structure contains an array of UnityAudioParameterDefinition. The RegisterParameter function inserts your parameter definition as an entry into this array.
char* name “Frequency”, “Mix Amount” The display name you want to give the parameter.
char* unit “Hz”, “%” The type of the value.
float minval 0.0f The minimum value of the parameter.
float maxval kMaxSampleRate, 1.0f The maximum value of the parameter.
float defaultval 1000.0f, 0.5f The default and initial value of the parameter.
float displayscale 1.0f, 100.0f Scale factor for the display of parameters only. For example, the percentage in the example code has a minimum value of 0, a maximum value of 1, and a scale factor 100.0f. This means that although the actual value is between 0 and 1, the value that is shown in the GUI in Unity is between 0% and 100%.
float displayexponent 3.0f, 1.0f Maps parameters to sliders.
int enumvalue P_FREQ , P_MIX Enum value to assign these values to.

Unity generates a default GUI from these basic parameter definitions.

3. Instantiate your native audio DSP plug-in

To create the instance of your plug-in, use the CreateCallback function. Unity calls the CreateCallback function as soon as it creates your plug-in. It can be null.

struct EffectData
    struct Data
        float p[P_NUM]; // Parameters
        float s;        // Sine output of oscillator
        float c;        // Cosine output of oscillator
        Data data;
        unsigned char pad[(sizeof(Data) + 15) & ~15];
    UnityAudioEffectState* state)
    EffectData* effectdata = new EffectData;
    memset(effectdata, 0, sizeof(EffectData));
    effectdata->data.c = 1.0f;
    state->effectdata = effectdata;
        InternalRegisterEffectDefinition, effectdata->data.p);

The UnityAudioEffectState object stores data it receives from the host and passes the data to all callback functions. The data it stores includes:

  • the sampling rate

  • the total number of samples processed (for timing)

  • whether the plug-in is bypassed

4. Unload your native audio DSP plug-in

To free the plug-in instance, use the ReleaseCallback function. Unity calls the ReleaseCallback function just before it frees the plug-in and also frees any data associated with this specific instance of the plug-in. After this, no further callbacks related to the instance happen.

    UnityAudioEffectState* state)
    EffectData::Data* data = &state->GetEffectData<EffectData>()->data;
    delete data;

5. Handle audio processing in your plug-in

To handle the processing of audio, use the ProcessCallback function. Unity repeatedly calls the ProcessCallback function with a block of input audio to read from and an output block to write to.

The following code gives an example of a sine-wave being multiplied to all channels:

    UnityAudioEffectState* state,
    float* inbuffer, float* outbuffer,
    unsigned int length,
    int inchannels, int outchannels)
    EffectData::Data* data = &state->GetEffectData<EffectData>()->data;

    float w = 2.0f * sinf(kPI * data->p[P_FREQ] / state->samplerate);
    for(unsigned int n = 0; n < length; n++)
        for(int i = 0; i < outchannels; i++)
            outbuffer[n * outchannels + i] =
                inbuffer[n * outchannels + i] *
                (1.0f - data->p[P_MIX] + data->p[P_MIX] * data->s);
        data->s += data->c * w; // cheap way to calculate a sine-wave
        data->c -= data->s * w;


The GetEffectData function is a helper function that casts the effectdata field of the state variable to the EffectData::Data in the structure.

Customize your GUI and import your audio plug-in into Unity

If you want to customize how Unity displays your plug-in parameters, refer to Customize the GUI for your audio plug-in.

To import your plug-ins into Unity, refer to Use your native DSP plug-in and GUI in Unity.

Additional resources

Native audio plug-in SDK
Customize the GUI for your audio plug-in
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