Version: 1.4
语言 : 中文
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Unity Package Manager 是 Unity 官方的包管理系统。具备以下功能:

  • 允许 Unity 快速轻松地分发新功能以及更新现有功能。
  • 为用户提供一个发现和共享可重用组件的平台。
  • 将 Unity 提升为可扩展的开放平台。

You can use the Package Manager to define project dependencies, resolve package dependencies, download packages, add packages, and integrate content in your projects.

有关包的简介以及 Unity Package Manager 工作方式的一般信息,请参阅文档。



  • C# 脚本
  • 程序集
  • Native plug-ins
  • 模型、纹理、动画和音频剪辑以及其他资源。

注意:Package Manager 不支持包中的流媒体资源。而应使用 Addressables 包。

每个包还包含一个包清单文件,其中包含诸如包名称、其版本、其依赖项列表以及其存储库 URL 之类的信息。



  1. 使用下列其中一种方法来为包创建一个空 shell:

  2. Make sure the layout of your folder structure follows the package layout convention for Unity packages. For example, if you have Editor and Runtime libraries, make sure you store them under the Editor and Runtime folders.

  3. If your package includes code, make sure the package layout you created has the necessary assembly definition files. For information about creating and defining assembly definition files, see Assembly definition and packages. For additional information, see Assembly definitions.

    Note: If the console window reports a warning after adding an assembly definition file, save your project, close it, then reopen it.

  4. Add your tools, libraries, and any assets your package requires.

  5. Add tests to your package. Tests are essential for ensuring that the package works as expected in different scenarios:

    • 将所有 Editor 测试写入 Tests/Editor 中。
    • Write all your Play Mode Tests in Tests/Runtime.
  6. If you have samples for your package, add them to the proper samples subfolder.

    注意:包只能包含示例,不过,如果使用相同的布局和 JSON 结构,也可以将示例作为工具或模板包的一部分包含在内。

  7. You can update the file every time you publish a new version. Every new feature or bug fix should have a trace in this file. For more details on the chosen changelog format, see the Keep a Changelog documentation.

    This step is optional for packages that you don’t share, but strongly recommended for shared packages, so that users know which version best suits their needs.

    Tip: You can provide a link to an external web page where you host this package’s changelog by setting the changelogUrl property in your package’s package.json manifest file.

  8. You can include licenses and third-party notices in the and THIRD PARTY files.

    This step is optional for packages that you don’t share, but strongly recommended for shared packages, so that your users don’t misuse your packages or violate any third-party licenses.

    Tip: You can provide a link to an external web page where you host this package’s licensing and third-party notices by setting the licensesUrl property in your package’s package.json manifest file.

  9. Document your package.

    Tip: You can provide a link to an external web page where you host this package’s documentation by setting the documentationUrl property in your package’s package.json manifest file.

  10. Share your package.



Note: These instructions are part of the larger procedure for Creating custom packages.

  1. Open the Unity Hub, and create an empty project on your computer.


  2. Using your computer’s file manager (for example the Windows File Explorer or the macOS Finder), navigate to your project folder and locate the Packages subdirectory.

  3. Create a new subdirectory for your package inside the Packages folder using a name that matches the package name and follows the naming conventions. For example, if your package name is com.example.mypackage, create a subdirectory called com.example.mypackage.

    Note: This is particularly important if your package contains assets, because the AssetDatabase looks for an asset path that matches Packages/<your-package-name>/Assets, regardless of the actual folder name.

  4. Open your preferred text editor and create a JSON file called package.json in the root of the package folder.

  5. Fill out all required and recommended fields in the package.json file. You can use the package manifest example as a reference.

When you reopen Unity, the new package appears in the Package Manager window and in the Project window, where you can view and modify the package contents. If you select the package.json file in the Project window, you can also modify its JSON values directly in the Inspector window.

Return to the main procedure to complete the creation of your package.


Follow these instructions if you want to create a custom package outside your project folder.

Note: These instructions are part of the larger procedure for Creating custom packages.

  1. 使用计算机的文件管理器(例如 Windows 文件资源管理器或 macOS Finder),为包创建一个文件夹。


  2. Open your preferred text editor and create a JSON file called package.json in the root of the package folder.

  3. Fill out all required and recommended fields in the package.json file, making sure the name property follows the naming conventions. You can use the package manifest example as a reference.

  4. In Unity, create a new project or open an existing project.

  5. Open the Package Manager window and follow the instructions for installing a local package, using the package.json file you just created.

The new package appears in the Package Manager window and in the Project window, where you can view and modify the package contents. If you select the package.json file in the Project window, you can also modify its JSON values directly in the Inspector window.

Return to the main procedure to complete the creation of your package.

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