Version: 1.4
语言 : 中文
Getting started with BatchRendererGroup
Initializing a BatchRendererGroup object

Creating a renderer with BatchRendererGroup

This section of the documentation explains how to use BatchRendererGroup (BRG) to create a renderer.

The following table lists and describes the topics in this section of the documentation.

Topic 描述
Initializing a BachRendererGroup object Explains how to initialize a BatchRendererGroup object with a minimal OnPerformCulling callback.
Registering meshes and materials Explains how to register meshes and materials so you can use them in a renderer.
Creating batches Explains how to create batches of instance data that describe what to render.
Creating draw commands Explains how to create draw commands and complete your simple renderer.
Getting started with BatchRendererGroup
Initializing a BatchRendererGroup object